3 secrets to tap your internal power #HTipT #154

All power comes from within you. The 6th Law of Huna connects you to 3 ways to increase your reservoir of internal power to do anything you decide to do and that you take action toward.



Video Transcript:

Hi, John Paul Fischbach here. I’m the CEO and chief alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. And because it’s Tuesday, I have another hot tip for you. So this week, it’s the sixth law of the Huna. There are seven all together and this is number six. And the law is: All power comes from within. All power and energy comes from within. It’s the life force that runs through all things. Us included. It’s the power to do anything that you decide to do and that you take action towards.

Now, this sixth law of the Huna is something that we actually understand. When we create art, we know that the power to create the art comes from within. Yup, the power to make the art magical comes from within. We know that when we’re in a group, when we’re working with love, when we’re happy, the power from within magnifies and flows, and we experience being masterful creators.

The reason that this sixth law, all power comes from within, is so important for artists is that we need to work hard to ensure that this power is never blocked or diminished. And the key to achieving that is being confident. Being confident and tapping into that deep sense of power that we have as artists. When we create, we are powerful.

Sometimes our power is strong and flowing and sometimes it’s not. You know, it’s as though it’s kind of been shut off and we actually feel powerless. Well, when that happens, what Huna will tell you is that you shifted your belief. Instead of believing that all power comes from within, instead of living with the truth of the law that all power comes from within, we started to believe that power is outside of ourselves. That’s what happens.

Now, I’m sure you’ve encountered the situation where some particular criticism of your art gets made and you feel sad, right? Well the truth is, that the critic doesn’t have the power to make you sad. All power comes from within. You have the power to make you sad. We have the power to be happy or be sad. Remember law number one: The world is what you think it is. And law number three: Your energy flows where your attention goes.

Well, let’s cultivate that awesome power that we have as artists, right? Let’s pull all these things together and form a very strong sense of our internal power and strength and confidence. Remember law number four: Now is the moment of power. So if what we’re pulling together is a strong sense of internal power and strength and confidence, let’s be confident now.

So if you need help with this one, being confident now, finding that internal power…well, you know, some of us do. We have an entire course that’s called The Artist Mojo. It’s a fabulous way to get all of that cleared out because sometimes you realize that it’s you that’s holding the art back. So there’s three actions I’d like you to consider this week. I would like you to consider changing your external world by changing your internal world first.

Change your external world by changing your internal world first. See what you can shift internally this week and see if it changes externally. Second thing is I’d like you to practice powerful and beneficial things like yoga, meditation, stillness, exercise, eating right, hanging out in nature, right? Taking great care of you. Practice powerful and beneficial things so that you have the power within you.

And number three, start small but make physical, mental, and spiritual practices that benefits your body, your mind, and your spirit. Make that a priority and make them habitual. Look, even if that’s a few minutes a day, it is still better than not practicing anything at all. So that’s what I’d like you to consider. As you embrace the sixth law, all power comes from within.

So if this tip was really helpful, please share it around. And when you need real practical help for your arts practice, check us out, www.auspiciousartsincubator.org.

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