Do you have a more effective story to tell? #HTipT #136

The story you tell about your arts business may be true, but is it effective? The story you are telling may actually be killing your future. Learn how to tell your story from a more effective perspective.




Video Transcript:

Hi, John Paul Fischbach here, the CEO and Chief Alchemist of the Auspicious Arts Incubator. This Tuesday, I want you to tell a new story. We all have a story. It’s the story that we tell others and ourselves about why things are the way they are, why we have what we have, why we don’t have what we don’t have. So my challenge to you is your story may be true, but is it helpful? What effect does telling and hearing your story have? Many artists that I talk to tell a story of not having the things you need. Now, your story may be true, but it isn’t effective, not if you want to change your situation. A story told and retold over and over again with this focus kills your hunger. It kills your drive, and it gives you a reason not to face the discomfort of moving out of your comfort zone.

Look, our story is often created to help others have empathy for us in our situation, right? We want others and ourselves to understand and accept our story. But is that really what you need? What do you want as the outcome of telling that story? I reckon what you want is love, energy, money, opportunity. Well, rewrite your story from a different focus. If the story is, “I don’t have the resources,” that story is going to kill your future. I hear it over and over and over again from artists that I coach. They don’t have the money, they don’t have the time, and they don’t have the connections, right? But they have a story, and that’s story is what’s killing their future. It also maintains the situation that they want to change. The story about not having the resources now isn’t helpful, so stop telling it because it’s not true that you don’t have the resources in the future unless you keep telling it.

If you want to have more resources, tell yourself and others a story of achievement. Tell the story of your dream, tell the story of your goals, and tell the story of your art, your determination. As artists, it is never a question of resources, it is always a question of resourcefulness. You’re an artist, you’re a gifted storyteller. Tell a story of love, peace, harmony, acceptance, achievement. Those are the stories that are going to be helpful and effective. Remember, obstacles are the things that are put into your path to help you become the person who surmounted them. So tell a different story, or at least, tell the same story with a different focus so that you can create the future that you’d rather have. I hope this hot tip rang home. I hope it was true for you. If it was, please share this with another artist. When you need real practical advice to advance your career, advance your art, check us out. That’s why we’re here.

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