Tag: gratitude

Feel the love #HTipT #181

HTT 181

Here are 3 hugs from us for you and what you do with a request to honour, appreciate and love a fellow artist.   Video: Podcast: Video Transcript: This week, I’m sharing some love and I want you to share

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The Secret Storehouse of Positive Energy #HTipT #74


What you focus on expands. You have the power to switch your thoughts to the positive. A whole heap of positive energy is stored inside Gratitude. Here’s a training exercise to practice digging the gratitude gold out of things we take for granted.

Gratitude boosts emotional intelligence #HTipT #68


Working on developing an attitude of gratitude is responsible for more energy, better sleep and a 10X boost in emotional intelligence. Learn a simple exercise to start working with gratitude.

  • 1st Sep, 2015
  • 4

Gratitude unlocks prosperity #HTipT #34


What you focus on expands. Gratitude attracts more and even more to be grateful for. Every day train yourself to make lists of all that you’re grateful for, and watch that list expand!