Tag: planning

One hour on Monday will stop you floundering #HTipT #96


The magic key to working smarter is planning, especially when it comes to reaching the goal. You need to plan the work and then work the plan. The first hour of your week is the time to zoom up, see the big picture and create the plan to achieve it.

Which idea next? #HTipT #56


Having lots of creative ideas is the gift and the burden of being an independent artist. In order to help you sort out the ideas whirling in your mind try this matrix of questions to get outside of your head and look at the options with a new perspective.

International call for artists: The leap of faith #HTipT #21


When you have a goal, something you really want, you have to commit. Commitment sets the unconscious mind to find and gather all the resources you will need to achieve it. Once you commit to a goal you become the person who can achieve it. Commitment is the greatest act of power.

Calls to artists: The magic power of vision #HTipT #20


When you have a goal, something you really want, you have to commit. Commitment sets the unconscious mind to find and gather all the resources you will need to achieve it. Once you commit to a goal you become the person who can achieve it. Commitment is the greatest act of power.

  • 26th May, 2015
  • 1

A superior to do list #HTipT #50

“To-do lists are great because it keeps you productive but I’ll bet you that the things that will make the biggest difference to your career aren’t on that list. We’ve developed a to-do list method that is ideal for artist entrepreneurs that helps you track the important things as well as the urgent things.