Here are 3 questions to force some honest perspective. Sometimes we allow this to keep us from getting back on track. What does it mean to move forward in your career? Are you? It’s harsh but, either you are moving forward or you aren’t. No excuses! Just take the next step to move forward. Here is an exercise to get you back on track.
Video Transcript:
Hi. I’m John Paul Fischbach, Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Welcome to another Hot Tip Tuesday. This Hot Tip is a little bit different because the theme is a question. I’m asking you: are you moving forward? Actually in your life are you moving forward? As human beings we’re designed to move forward, to advance. We’re meant to stretch and grow and push ourselves towards our dreams and our desires.
Remember the medicine wheel path that I showed you. We began with movement. The body moves and emotions kick in. We have positive emotions and we see new thoughts and new ideas. That results in a vision that makes us feel supported and connected. Life begins to flow and we’re swept along. Sadly some of us have forgotten that this is the way it works.
Can you understand why so many people have anxiety attacks or undergo a midlife crisis? You would too if you wake up one morning and realized that you were nowhere near the life you always dreamt of living. Don’t let that happen to you. I want to help you right now to consciously conduct a progress check on your life. I want you to look at your life and I’m going to ask you three questions.
Question number one; are you closer to the life of your dreams this year than you were last year? Question two; have you been charging forward in life, standing still or falling behind? Question three, are you truly moving forward towards your dreams or are you creating excuses like it’s not the right time, I can’t afford it, you won’t succeed.
I used the word truly so that you won’t settle for ‘sort of’ because deep down you know that it’s a cop-out to say “I’m sort of advancing toward my dreams”. Come on, be honest with yourself. Either you are or you aren’t. If you’re feeling strong and pride because you know that you’re giving your all to achieve your dreams, that’s awesome. Excellent.
If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable when your thought goes through those questions, great because then you know it’s time to transform your life. It’s time to figure out why you’ve gotten stuck and what you need to do to get moving again. You actually know what you need to do. Artists come for coaching all the time and I give them this little simple exercise. I just write the start of a sentence and let them finish it.
Let’s try it out. “To move forward in my life the first thing I had to do is…” what came to mind? Things like ‘stop beating myself up’, ‘believe in myself’, ‘set a goal’, ‘learn how to market myself’, ‘get back in the studio’. It’s amazing isn’t it? Just that little prompt of an incomplete sentence makes you go inside and figure out and know what you need to do to get moving again. That’s the goal of this week get moving. Make forward progress. That’s it.
If this Hot Tip was useful please like the video. If you know someone who needs to hear this please share it with them and leave us a comment, leave us a question. Let’s carry on a bit of a dialogue about the moving forward theme. We want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. The best way to do that is to subscribe. If you can get all of these Hot Tips and in each week make a forward progress.