Sometimes there are very good reasons not to make a decision but sometimes we are just procrastinating. Here are some helpful tips for making decisions.







Video Transcript:

Hi, John Paul Fischbach, CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator with another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. This week’s theme Decision Making for Procrastinators. Many artists, myself included aren’t bad at decision making, it’s just that we dont like to. We dont like to make decisions. Craig teased me when I created this one and he said ‘Oh, you’ve written a Hot Tip Tuesday for yourself’?

Here’s the thing, making decisions for some of closes the door. It limits all of the possibilities. On the Myers Briggs personality scale we’re what’s called perceiving types. I’m one of them. We like open ended. We dont like deadlines and oftentimes it’s not that we’re procrastinating we’re actually gestating. We’re taking full advantage of all the time we know that when it comes down to the deadline it will be good. It’s really hard for us sometimes to make decisions so that’s okay. It’s just a personality preference but sometimes in our businesses we need to make decisions.

Here’s what I’ve learned as four great decision making hacks. Number one, make a decisions list. Do you have a decisions list, a list of decisions to be made? I didn’t or are you avoiding the decision by avoiding that it needs to be made. Your subconscious mind will help you if you make a list of decisions that need to be made. That’s okay. You dont have to make them. Just know that they’re pending.

Number two, make decisions in the right order. Ask yourself this is this decision dependent on some other decision being made first? Just ask. Number three, make decisions faster. The truth is I own this one. The truth is that you rarely need more time. Just make the choice to decide. I fully recognized the irony here. The test question here is is more time needed to gather information? If the answer is yes, that you need more time to gather information then go get that information. Dont procrastinate the decision go get the information you need.

Finally, the fourth hack is dont ask everyone to help you decide. Only ask people who will improve the decision or be directly affected by it.

Let’s review. The four decision hacks that I will give you, make a decisions list. What’s pending? Make decisions in the right order. Is this the first decision or the second decision? Make decisions faster. If you need more information go get it and number four, dont ask everyone. That’s it. That’s how to make decisions if you’re a procrastinator about decision making.

If this Hot Tip was helpful please like the video. If you know someone who also procrastinates about making decisions share this video with them. Those are four great hacks. What I’d love to hear from you about in the comments section is which of these hacks work for you. That’s it. Let us know.

Here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator we more than want you to survive, we actually want you to thrive. That’s why we create these Hot Tips and that’s why you should subscribe. We’ll see you next week.