It is up to you to do something to change. If you want something go get it. When you expect someone else to meet your needs you end up getting shitty with them instead of asking yourself, “what do I need to do in this moment?” rather than, “what do they need to do in this moment?”






Video Transcript:

Hello. I’m Julie Ann Black, producer of Bold and Irresistible Communicators here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and here’s another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. The topic this week is about fulfilling your own needs. What makes the star the star is they know how to get their own needs met. If you want something go after it. You’re not living the life you love? Change it. You’re tired of being a certain way, playing a particular character do something about it.

We’re conditioned that other people fulfill our needs and we learned that very early on but how good does it feel when you give the power of your happiness over to someone else when you control? What happens when you dont fulfill your own needs is you get shitty with others because you feel they are not meeting your expectations. You could become demanding, go into self-pity and perhaps even play the victim which let’s face it. It ultimately makes you feel bad.

Fulfilling your own needs is your responsibility so next time you feel your needs aren’t being met ask yourself what do I need to do in that moment and how can I fulfill it myself. What do I need to do in that moment and how can I fulfill it myself? If you genuinely require someone else’s help to help you achieve it you’ll feel much more empowered to request their assistance rather than expecting they should. Win-win for everyone.

If this Hot Tip was helpful please like this video. If you know someone else who needs to hear this Hot Tip please share this video. All questions and comments please write them below so we can start a dialog about this topic. Here at the Incubator we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. You need to subscribe. See you next time for another Hot Tip.