What you focus on expands. Gratitude attracts more and even more to be grateful for. Every day train yourself to make lists of all that you’re grateful for, and watch that list expand!
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and I want to welcome you to another Hot Tip Tuesday. The theme this week is the prosperity mindset. Your state of mind and your emotions are your internal job. This is your thing that you can change.
Let me give you a little quick illustration. There’s two men that looked out from the prison bars. One saw nothing but mud. The other saw the stars. What you focus on expands. If that is what you see, if that is your frame of reference, if that is your state of mind, if that is your emotional state that is what you’re going to get. That is what you’re going to see, feel, believe and manifest.
The prosperity mindset really one of the best things you could do to get into the prosperity mindset is to start with gratitude. Gratitude attracts more and more and even more to be grateful for. It’s quite simple. To get into the prosperity mindset start with gratitude. Take a pause right now and think of three things that you’re really grateful for and then three more.
if you think of all the things that you’re grateful for, that sense of gratitude, that sense of plenty, that sense of prosperity and abundance will start to increase because what you feel you create. What you see is what you find so set your mind and set your emotions to feel gratitude, to feel grateful. Everyday train yourself to make lists of things that you’re grateful for and I guarantee you you can watch that list expand and you’ll be in the prosperity mindset.
If that Hot Tip was helpful to you please like the video. If you know someone who needs to hear this particular Hot Tip please share the video and of course absolutely post a comment. Let us know what’s going on for you, how this strikes you, ask us a question. All good because we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. Having that prosperity mindset is a key to thriving. The other key to thriving is to subscribe so that every Tuesday there’s another Hot Tip to help you in your arts business. See you next week.
Gratitude unlocks prosperity are just great and very helpful.
I found a video that help me a lot and i share it with you:
See you soon! 🙂 Many Kisses!