What makes some artists succeed and others flounder. Both have talent but there are 4 building blocks that can help. The 2nd is Direction.
Video Transcript:
Hi. John Paul Fischbach, Chief Alchemist and CEO at the Auspicious Arts Incubator with this week’s Hot Tip Tuesday. Last week we started a journey to understand what makes some artists succeed while others flounder. Both have talent but there are four building blocks that can help. The first is desire and we looked at that last week. If you missed it go check it out.
This week we’re looking at the second building block of artistic success direction so if last week you worked on clarifying your desire, great. Lots of artists have a desire. If you’re going to enjoy success that desire needs direction. How are you going to get that desire or goal? Sadly, lots of artists have a desire but they won’t do the hard work that demands learning and growing and doing things that are outside of their comfort zone to stretch their competency, to get direction from others, to ask for help, to read, to research, to get a course, to get a coach, find a mentor. Maybe even to examine artists who have achieved your desire and figure out how they got there. Read a biography, model them, model their steps, their strategies. Learning is how you develop direction.
If you’re floundering and need some direction. You need to build a map. Having a map is how you can see the direction that you’re going. The time to have a map is before you enter the forest. There are maps for achieving success in lots of business but not many maps for helping artists succeed in business. That’s the reason what we exist. Lots of artists we meet are feeling lost or frustrated because their careers are stalled and they dont have clear direction.
For some of us we never chose this life. Because of our talent we were sort of pulled into this life. You know there comes a time that we have to step up and give direction to our talent. Once your desire is in focus, get direction. Ask lots of questions. Be a student of your desire. Every expert was an awesome student at the beginning.
I love my life and the business that we’ve built here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator I love all things that I get to do and all the ways that I get to serve and help artists. Every day I’m helping artists find direction and that keeps me excited. I’m getting to share what I’ve learned and what I’ve discovered from taking courses and working with coaches. Learning provides me with fresh new direction, new ideas and new strategies to move me toward me desires because we’re never complete.
Success and successful artists dont stop at success. We’re constantly learning, constantly clarifying our direction. If you really desire something you really need a map and you need to get direction. Next week we’re going to look at the third building block for artistic success discipline.
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It’s time to stop struggling becoming a successful artist.
It is both great and challenging to be an artist. Being an artist is both a choice and a destiny. Becoming a successful artist is the challenge. We can help you learn how to become a successful artist. We’ve been helping artists since 2007. We are artists ourselves and work exclusively with independent artists and small arts groups to get the marketing and business skills along with the confidence it takes to make a living from your talent and your drive. After helping thousands of artists we know what makes an artist successful. You really can stop struggling becoming a successful artist.