Lots of artists have the “shiny object syndrome”. Novelty is part of your lives it us up to us to work with the novelty we see and create and not be distracted and pulled off course.






Video Transcript:

Welcome to this week’s Hot Tip. I’m John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. This week’s Hot Tip I call the Novelty Trap. It’s part one of a two part tip that looks at how both novelty and challenge make us better artists in business.

Let’s look at the concept of novelty first. How many of you have the shiny object syndrome? Running after shiny object, finding a new shiny object. To start I want to take you into some neuroscience. As artists we’ve perfected our brains to scan for and identify novelty. In fact we’re a bit hardwired for that. When we experience something new we get an influx of dopamine or oxytocin and we feel good. We’re actually more attentive.

You know the phrase, “Variety is the spice of life.” we get that rush of hormone in the brain. We feel rewarded and we feel on path, on purpose, focused as an artist but as artists novelty also equals distraction, always chasing that shiny thing. It feels good but also exhausts you so how do we live with novelty since we love it? My tip is to acknowledge it, recognize it, write it down. That muse that is visiting by that is showing you new and novel things recognize it, say thanks. Hey thanks, I got that noted but make the conscious choice to embrace the novelty that supports part of your plan or heads toward one of your goals. That way novelty becomes something meaningful in your life as opposed to novelty that spins you in 20 new directions and gets you start yet another new project.

Choose novelty that actually helps you grow as an artist in business. Look for the novelty that offers growth, development or advancement because when you choose that kind of novelty you teach your brain to scan for it and it doesn’t pull you off course. We’ll always be drawn to novelty. We’re artists. It’s up to us to choose the good novelty and simply acknowledge the distraction novelty. Watch what novelty comes this week and make some choices.

Did you like this Hot Tip? Be sure and subscribe to the next one. Tell a fellow artist about us. If you want real practical help and support to thrive as an artist check us out at the AuspiciousArtsIncubator.org.



When you look for music grants, what you are really looking for is an opportunity to get some help to capitalize your initial creation.

Here is the secret – – Funding is insecurity, the market is security.  A grant can help you realize your vision and create something cool.  It’s up to you and your business and leverage the grant to maximize the return on this investment.  We can help you get the marketing and business skills along with the confidence to build a grant opportunity into a viable business.  So the next time you google terms like: grants for individual artists, art fund, fine arts grants, music grants, small arts grants, individual artist grants, art grants for women; realize it’s an opportunity to build and grow your own arts business for long term future success. Finding music grants is just a first step.