The key to sales is sharing what you have with your ideal customer. What if you could sit down with your perfect client and have them tell you exactly how to get them to buy what you have to offer. Well you can. It’s time to put your powerful imagination to work for your business.
Video Transcript:
Phew, that is a hundred tips. This is Tip Number 100. That is one hundred pieces of great advice for artists and I’m thrilled that you’ve been with me for the whole ride. Let’s go. Number one hundred.
John Paul Fischbach, CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator with this week’s Hot Tip. The theme this week engineer the sale because you know what? We are all in sales. As artists we create something that is unique and special and it’s our obligation to share it with the world. Our art needs us to be able to sell it. We have the conscious minds, the opposable thumbs and the ability to communicate. The art can’t sell itself. It needs you to help it get out there so look, since sales is not necessarily your forte here’s a process that will help you.
Step 1, get clear on what you most want to sell. What is the offer that you’re making? Make sure that is clear. Part 2 is imagine the ideal type of person who would say yes to that offer. Think about how excited they are after they made that purchase with you. Imagine what is going on, tap into their enthusiasm.
Now it’s time for the next part but when you’re in the desperate need to make a sale you start to push. You need to step out of the push zone and tap into your share zone. Knowing how rare and special what you create is, seeing how your art opens hearts, changes minds, improves lives. Now you’re ready for the next part.
You’re going to have an imaginary chat with your ideal client, a virtual conversation that happens in your mind where you connect heart to heart with your ideal client. Your ideal client wants the opportunity that you have as much as you want the business. This is your chance to ask them some pretty cool questions.
Here’s a couple of suggestions. You can change these to whatever you want but try these out. Imagine the conversation in your mind. Imagine asking your ideal client what are your biggest obstacles to saying yes to my offer? What do you need to hear from me in order to say yes? What is the best time to reach out to you? What should I do less of? What should I do more of? How can I tweak this to make it more valuable to you? How can I have more fun sharing this with you? What would make you fall instantly in love with the thing that I’m offering? Then you’re going to jot down some answers in your own mind of course.
Look, it will feel like you’re making it up so what? Get over it. Look over what you’ve got. Decide which ones give you the most bang for your energy and then go for it. Have that conversation with your ideal client in your mind and you can engineer the sale.
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