3 critical things to being a successful entrepreneurial artist are; 1. Choose yourself 2. Find your ideal customer 3. Diversify your creative revenue. These make the difference between success and struggle.


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Video Transcript: Successful Entrepreneurial Artist

Hi. John Paul Fischbach here, the CEO and Chief Alchemist of the Auspicious Arts Incubator with another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. This week’s theme is the entrepreneurial artist. Three critical things to be a successful entrepreneurial artist. It all starts by understanding that you already are an entrepreneur. Fully blown, you already are one because you have an idea that didn’t exist before. You gather all the resources that are necessary to make it and then you take it to a market that needs it. Check out Hot Tip #63 The Entrepreneurial Mindset. It goes into more detail but now that you know that you’re an entrepreneur this is the age of the creative entrepreneur. For the first time ever you dont need someone else to make you successful. You can do it for yourself but there are three things that are essential for you to be a successful entrepreneurial artist.

Number 1

Choose yourself. Number 2 Find your ideal customer and number 3 Diversify your creative revenue. Number 1 Choose yourself. It used to be that you have to get someone from the established art world to choose you in order for you to reach success but here’s the deal. That old system has been completely disrupted. For the first time ever you can do it. You so just choose yourself.

Number 2
Find your ideal customer. Again for the first time ever we can find the people who get us and love our work. Have a look at Hot Tip Tuesday #100 Engineering the Sale. Everyone is not going to love your work but you dont need everyone to love it. You need to find a few people who you could put your work in front of that would change them emotionally, mentally, spiritually. When they find value in you and your art you can’t keep them away.

Number 3

Diversify your creative revenue. As a creative person I bet you have a few ideas that could earn you some money. Some will be products and some will be services. Some will come from your art and some from your creative process. It’s never been easier for you to choose yourself, to figure out who your audience is, who you’re going to change and what work you’re going to create that matters.

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