Learning to batch your email makes managing your inbox possible.
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Video Transcript:
Hi. Craig Lambie here, the Chief IT Guru here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator here with another Hot Tip because it’s Tuesday. You want to save some time right? You want to be out and get into that head space where you’re in that creative individual space where you have more time for that performing or dedicated studio time right? And you want to get more done?
This week I’m going to tell you about batching. That is email processing. In the future I’ll tell you a little bit about how to actually do this but right now I’m going to tell you about processing your emails at specific times. John Paul has given you this tip before. I think I’ve given you this tip before. It’s about scheduling your week so that you do certain things at certain times and that gets you so much time back.
This is about scheduling time every day to deal with your email. Don’t do it first thing. That is from a previous Hot Tip. Do it at 11 in the morning and maybe at 4 in the afternoon. You can do half an hour each or you can do just do an hour at 11am. Whichever way works for you and your scheduled this really works.
Then set up an autoresponder that says I only check my emails at 11am. That takes away this urgency that some people have that “oh my God, I need to get a reply to your email as soon as it arrives in my inbox”. Don’t even open your emails until that time. People get the autoresponder saying hey, I got your email. That is okay.
You can google Tim Ferriss Auto Responder if you want a really good template for how to do this. This tip comes from Tim Ferriss, one of the people that I follow. Then you process all of your emails at once. You get through. You write all your replies. You get into that headspace and you deal with it all at once. Then you put it down and you get on with what you need to do for the day, what is important for your arts practice. It might be spending some time in the studio. It might be doing some rehearsals. Whatever it is it’s really important. I get lots of emails with bills and things like that. I do them all at once as well.
Watch out for the next Hot Tip which is relating to this one about how to actually do this. That is all for this Hot Tip. I hope you enjoyed it if you did please like this video or share this page with another artist. The more artists that we can help get better at their arts businesses that are thriving in society the happier we’ll all will be because artists make people happy don’t you? You make people happy and we want more happiness out there in the world. That’s all for this week. See you next time.