Maria Irminger is back with awesome advice for artists wanting to make the first contact with a gallery. What to prepare and how to do it.





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Video Transcript:

John Paul: Hi. It’s John Paul Fischbach, CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and I’ve brought Maria Irminger back into the studio because she’s got another piece of really great advice for visual artists. We were also chatting about building a relationship and that first contact. A lot of artists don’t know how to make that first contact with someone like you. What’s the worst thing that they can and what’s the best thing that they can do?

Maria: The best thing that they can do is be organized and confident. A gallery wants to know that if they’re going to invest the time in you to put on an exhibition which is very laborious that they are going to be confident that you are going to present and deliver. Be confident. Have everything worked out. Don’t be overconfident but just be confident in that they know that you’re able to deliver. Have everything sorted out. If you have a theme around the work that you want to present have that theme, have a synopsis ready. Make sure it’s concise and that people understand that you know what you want to deliver.

John Paul: Confident, be prepared. Those are good. How do they make that first? How do they make the initial contact? They’re sitting there in their studio. They’ve got good work. Someone says ‘Oh, you should exhibit’ and they say ‘Maria runs this gallery’. What should they do?

Maria: First thing that they should do is look at the website. Look at the gallery’s website, because it might be the only way that you can get into a program is via an application so yes, go through that application process. If however, there’s other programs and the gallery will allude to that on the website you must make that phone call. You must make an appointment to go and see them. Don’t rock up because they could be in the middle of an installation, a de-installation, another meeting with artists or even a gallery meeting. Don’t rock up. Ring them or email them. Preferably ring them and ask to come and see them and to bring a sample of your portfolio. That’s what you should do.

John Paul: Ringing makes sense because you get a personal connection. You can get a feel for them. They can get a feel for you.

Maria: You can always tell them what your ideas are and if your idea just doesn’t meet what their intention is for the gallery they will tell you. You’re not wasting your time or theirs. Make that personal connection and understand what the galleries remit and its aims and objectives are.

John Paul: As we say in the Incubator it’s about meeting their needs so you have to call and find out that you’re in line with their needs. If this Hot Tip was helpful please subscribe or pass it on to another artist. If you want real practical advice for your arts business check us out at