It’s important to be able to generate a boost of energy when we need it, without getting some sugar or caffeine. There is a really cool nautral 60 second breathing technique that will get some much needed oxygen to your blood. making you more alert.

With renewed focus, you can stay on task and feel refreshed, have clearer thoughts and feel more centered and connected.





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Video Transcript:

John Paul: Welcome to this weekly podcast of “Hot Tip Tuesday,” presented by the Auspicious Arts Incubator, building sustainable arts businesses.  
Announcer: It’s important to be able to generate a boost of energy when we need it without getting some sugar or caffeine. So this week on the podcast, JP has a cool, natural breathing technique that will get you some much needed oxygen to your blood, making you more alert. With renewed focus, you can stay on task and feel refreshed, have clearer thoughts, and feel more centered and connected.  
John Paul: I’m John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. And this Tuesday, I wanna give you a tip of how to get some instant energy. So I wanna share a technique to get an awesome energy boost in just 60 seconds. So it’s a technique that I learned long ago in acting school, but I came across it again in yoga. And I went, “I remember this.” So I thought, “Let’s share that.”  
Sometimes, our batteries get low, right, and we just don’t have the energy to keep going to do one more. So what are the options? Well, we can stop or we can quit, we can have a nap, and maybe that’s what needs to happen. And fair enough, if that’s what your body’s saying you have to do, then do that, honor that. But sometimes, we can’t. Sometimes, we can’t take the full-on stop, right? And then sometimes, maybe what you’re feeling is just physiological. Maybe what you’re feeling is just the fact that your blood needs some oxygen, particularly if we’ve been concentrating and focusing for a long time. Because when we’re focused, we have shallow breathing and our blood gets tired and we feel fatigue. Well, what we don’t need is sugar or caffeine, really. We just need some oxygen.  
So here’s how to get that much needed oxygen into our blood and get an instant boost of energy in just 60 seconds. So it’s a very simple pattern of breathing where you take a good deep breath in, and then you incrementally increase the length of the breathing out. So the pattern’s pretty simple. Inhale to the count of two, exhale to the count of two. Inhale to the count of two, but exhale to the count of three. Inhale to the count of two, but exhale to the count of four. Inhale to the count of two, but exhale to the count of five. That’s the pattern. And you repeat that cycle several times, and then just return to normal breathing. Well, your improved breathing will help to regulate the oxygen flow in your blood making you more alert. It happens in 60 seconds. So with that renewed focus, you can stay on task and you can feel refreshed. You can have clearer thoughts and feel more centered and more connected, okay?  
So let’s just do this. Let’s do it together, okay? So you’re gonna breathe in, 1,001, 1,002, and breathe out, 1,001, 1,002. Now, breathe in, 1,001, 1,002, and breathe out, 1,001, 1,002, 1,003. Now, breathe in, 1,001, 1,002, and breathe out, 1,001, 1,002, 1,003, 1,004. Now, breathe in, 1,001, 1,002, and breathe out, 1,001, 1,002, 1,003, 1,004, 1,005. That’s it. Got that? And then, you just repeat that. So you might do two cycles of it. But how do you feel? It’s already had an effect even doing it that one cycle. Now, you might feel a little dizzy or lightheaded. That’s okay. That’s gonna pass. All that is is that it’s your blood got a little bit over oxygenated, but that’s not a bad thing.  
Okay, so that’s what happens. That’s how you can get a little energy boost really quickly in 60 seconds and get back to task and back to focus. So if that was helpful, please like this video and share it with your friends. If you wanna know more about this and more about how it works, there’s an extended version of it in the membership site. So head back over to our website, look at the membership site if you wanna know more and have a more in-depth experience of this. We’re here to help you. We’re here to give you real practical advice for your arts business. So be sure to check us out at  
Thanks for listening to this week’s “Hot Tip Tuesday” podcast. All of these podcasts in the “Hot Tip Tuesday” series are curated by myself, John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and are produced by Alia Vryens. Check us out if you wanna see this podcast because sometimes, there are visuals that don’t translate in a podcast. And you can see those videos if you check out our website,, and there’s a drop-down menu for Quick Help for Artists where you can see the video version of this podcast.