Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes.
Video Transcript:
Welcome to this week’s hot tip for artists. This week I’m gonna help you start to get control of your time. I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the CEO and chief alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and this week it’s gonna be about time. But I have a different technique to help you get control of your time, and I’m gonna ask you four questions. Now, questions are actually more powerful than answers. So I could give you a tip that gives you the answers, but really, what’s gonna help you is to send you off on a cool journey with these questions.
Here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna make a date with a fellow artist. So I want you to find a fellow artist, and you’re gonna book an hour. So that’s 30 minutes to do this exercise and 30 minutes to enjoy each other’s company. So when you get together, you’re gonna set a timer for seven minutes to have a conversation that’s gonna explore each of these questions. So what you can do is just write these questions down for now and then save them for when you get together with your friend.
All right, until you organize your time, it’s going to disappear and it’s gonna move fast, and before you know it, you’ll wonder, well, where did all the time go? But once you organize your time, it’s going to actually slow down, and you’ll be able to live more presently, you’ll be able to experience time as you want to, you’ll control your time rather than your time controlling you. Okay, so here’s the questions. So just write them down for now, and then seven minutes per question in conversation with your friend.
Question number one, how much of your time do you feel in complete control of? Question number two, are the activities that you spend your time doing moving you toward your ideal future? Question three, what activities should you remove from your life? And question four, what would your ideal day look like?
All right? So it’s important to have this conversation. Now, the questions are gonna send you and your friend on an interesting journey, and the conversation that you have between each other is gonna help you resolve to take some action. So keep a note book, jot down conversations, points in the conversation, and then pick one action that you will take to start to control your time and then ask your friend to hold you accountable for doing that.
Okay, that’s this weeks’ hot tip, control your time. If this hot tip was helpful, please share it with a friend. When you want real practical advice for your arts business, check out all of the things that we have for offer at Now, there’s really eight questions if you wanna get complete control of your time, and the full eight questions are over at the ASAP membership site. So check that out. That might be something that you’re really ready for.