4 keys to discipline for artists
4 keys to discipline for artists
Discipline is one of the most important things we can develop as artists. It will help us achieve what we really want. There are 4 keys to developing discipline for artists and they are emotional, practical and intuitive and easy to use.
Video Transcript
Hey there. This week I wanna give you the four keys to discipline for artists. I’m John Paul Fischbach, I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and I wanna help you stay disciplined. It’s the number one thing that we find artists struggle with. They know what they want but they just lose the discipline and then they blame their discipline that they didn’t achieve the thing. You know, and it’s endemic in our lives, right? We want to have a habit and we want to start to eat healthy, and we stay on it for a while but then it fades and we blame discipline. So, here’s four keys to keep you disciplined.
So, I’ve made some notes so that I stay disciplined and we stay on track. Key number one is to emotionally engage with the dream, right? So, that means each morning I want you to start by connecting to the thing you want. So right now, think of the thing you want, why are you this artist? What are you trying to achieve? What’s the goal that you want? Connect to that. Every morning I want you to start the morning by closing your eyes and connecting to the dream. Connect emotionally to the thing you want. If you start each day connected to the thing, then discipline will flow because you have an emotional connection and a reason to stay disciplined.
So, number two tip is I want you to handle all the other shit. Handle the shit, right? And that means you have to do your work before you respond to the world. So, you have to start each day doing the thing for you. So, when you start, set up your morning routine that you’re gonna get up, you’re gonna do your meditation, you’re going to have that smoothie, you’re gonna pack that lunch, so that you’ve started your day claiming that you are in control, right? So, when you get into the day,you can handle it. If you don’t prep for the day and you can’t handle it, how could you possibly have any discipline?
The third thing is a thing that one of my gurus Brendon Burchard calls block time. So we talk a lot about scheduling your day and how important that is. But set block time. So, block time means for example, this is the time I’ve set aside to do the thing that requires a bit of discipline. So, you know, from 1 to 3 I’m gonna handle this one thing, right? And then you can achieve it. But if you don’t have block time where the time is set aside to do that thing, you’re not helping your discipline. You’re allowing things to just overshadow it.
And the fourth tip is you’ve got to set up some rewards. And we harp on about this whole idea of celebration. And the reason we do that is because if you don’t celebrate the small wins along the way and the fact that you’ve stayed discipline and that you’ve achieved something, and you don’t celebrate that with others, with others is the key, then your subconscious mind goes, “This isn’t really helping me. It’s not really worth it,” and the discipline slides.
All right. So, you know, if you’re one of those artists that think discipline is awful, and hard, and yucky, well, you know, maybe you’re never gonna have discipline because you’re trying to fool yourself into doing things that you don’t really want to do. So, it’s kind of a little wheel, right? We’re gonna loop back to the top. Find the thing you wanna do, find the thing that is important to you, that you’re passionate about, that you really care about. And then key number one is emotionally engaged with that. Key number two is handle the shit. Prep yourself every morning so that you’re ready to handle whatever it is. Step number three is make sure that there’s block time in your calendar to do the thing that requires discipline. And key number four is to set up some rewards with others. Find people to celebrate. When you finish that chapter, phone someone up and say, “Oh my gosh, I finished that chapter. Let’s go get an ice cream,” whatever that is. All right?
So, those are the four keys. So, what I want you to do this week is try those out. Look at yourself, look at the thing you want to do and figure out how you can help your discipline. Because as artists we have discipline. It’s not that we lack it, it’s that we don’t enforce it. We don’t help it to work. Now, if you want greater information about that or you want to go into more detail about that, you really need to look at the ASAP program, because that’s where I go into greater detail. I slow this all down and I unpack it all for you. Okay. See you later.
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