How to keep being an artist

our 200th Hot Tip for artists is all about how to keep being an artist. Here is the link to the diagnostic survey

Posted by Auspicious Arts Incubator on Monday, 16 July 2018

Where to from here?

For our 200th Episode, we’re switching to a LIVE format for tips!

Our 200th Hot Tip for artists is all about how to keep being an artist. Here is the link to the diagnostic survey

Video Transcript

Hello, everyone. We decided to go live for this week’s Hot Tip because it’s the 200th Hot Tip. So, here’s to 200th Hot Tips to help artists be awesome. So, here’s the thing, guys and gals. You’re an artist, that’s what you do, right? That’s what you want to do. So, how do you keep doing that? Well, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and this week, I wanna help you keep being an artist and keep creating. So, you’re unique, right? You have an incredibly unique talent. You reach out to the universe and you create something that’s never been seen before. You put love into the world and people experience the emotions and all the cool stuff through the work that you create, and that’s particularly awesome.

Phil, Hey. Hi, it’s our 200th Hot Tip, believe it or not, so what I wanna do is to say that you’ve got all this unique talent, you’ve got all this incredible talent and ability. So, at some point, every artist realizes that they’re actually in business, that they’re not just creating art. But actually, they’ve got a business, right? If you have fans, and you have customers, you’re in a business, right? If you put something out into the world, that’s a business. So, at some point, you realize that your talent isn’t enough that there has to be something more than just raw talent. And that’s why we exist. That’s why I’ve started doing what I do is to say to every artist, you’re gonna go on the journey that I went on, right? I remember the day that I realized that just being an awesome theatre director wasn’t enough, that there was a bunch of marketing and business skills that nobody ever taught us that I needed to learn.

So, here’s the thing, I wanna help you and this week I’m gonna explain to you that there are 10 things that it took me years of trial and error to learn. And I learned those 10 things across, you know, lots of money and a lot of time by trial and error, and I realized that to set up a business around me so that I could keep being the awesome artist that I am was the key. That the important thing was to build that business and you have spent time and you have spent money perfecting your talent, right? You’ve taken courses, you’ve learned how to be more talented, how to be a better actor, how to be a better dancer, sculptor, painter, writer, yeah? Well, you need to spend the same kind of time to grow the business. So, here’s what we’re gonna do this week, I’m gonna go through the 10 things that you need to surround yourself with, to build that business so that you can be awesome. There are 10, they’re grouped into five and I wrote an entire book about it. So, if you have the book it’s on page 178, the list, but it’s through the whole book.

So, what I want you to do is just relax, listen to these 10 things and if you want, I’ve put a link in the post. That’s where you can get this diagnostic. So what’s on page 178 is this diagnostic, right? So, you can get this. If you click that link, give us your details, and we’ll email you out that diagnostic. But what I want you to do this week is just listen to these 10 things. Trust your intuition to ping when you get to one that you really need to focus on for this week. So, yes, you’re gonna need to work on all 10, but for this week, just pick one. Just pick one of these 10. All right, here we go.

Number one is called vision. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will lead you there. You’ve gotta have a clear vision of what success means for you. Number two is mindset. You have to have a new mindset that’s an artist in business, an entrepreneurial mindset. Number three, branding. You have to know what your customers say about you, why they like you and why they like your art. That becomes your brand. Number four, values. You’re an artist, you’re putting love into the world, you’re in the emotion business, it has to connect to the values that you have, the things that you think are important because that’s gonna sustain you, is knowing that you’re making a difference in the world and knowing that you’re doing something that is important to you.

Number five, marketing. The key to business in the arts is not advertising, it’s marketing. Who are the people that love you, love what you do, and how do you find them? How do you grow the market? Your niche market are the people who really get you and really get your art. Okay? Number six is message, okay? That’s called value-based language in what we do with people. You have to shift from essay writing and advertising about the product to talking about the impact and sharing what happens, what the experience of your art is. So, that’s message.

Number seven is money. You have to manage the money, you have to start measuring. You cannot manage what you aren’t measuring. So, if you’re not measuring the money, what it takes, where it goes, how it comes, how big it is, how small it is, if you’re not measuring the money, you can’t manage it. Then number seven…eight, sorry, number eight is finance. There are some things you’re gonna have to learn about finance. You’re gonna have to understand the difference between fixed cost and variable costs. You’re gonna have to understand cash flow, you’re going to have to understand investment. You’re gonna have to understand the levers between price and volume. So, there are some finance things that you have to understand.

Number nine is planning. We have a saying here that says, “Plan the work, then work the plan.” If you’re not going through a planning process of setting goals, of looking at things across the short term and the long term, and building a plan to achieve those, you’re just gonna keep floundering and wandering. And number 10 is productivity because there comes a point where you have to start working smarter, not harder. So, there’s a bunch of productivity things that you have to change about the way that you work as an artist in business.

So, those are the 10: vision, mindset, branding, values, marketing, message, money, finance, planning, productivity. So, click the link because in here, we’re gonna send you this diagnostic and it asks you 15 questions that helps you to focus on what you need to work on next, where to from here. So, we call this little diagnostic “Where to From Here?” What do you need to focus on? So, my challenge to you this week is pick one of those 10 and go, “I’m gonna focus on that this week. You know what? I really need to focus on messaging this week. I need to look at the messages that I put out and change those to be about impact, and value, and benefit,” okay? So you pick one.

So, that’s the idea, it’s our 200th tip. So, as always, if you want greater detail, that’s the ASAP program where I go into greater depth about all of these things. But for now, cheers. It’s been my pleasure to give you 200 little pieces of advice and tips to help you become the awesome artist and stay being the artist. Stay giving that gift out to the world. So, thanks for joining on fill. The rest of you you’ll see this in a recording. Cheers for now.


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