Are you being exploited?
Not every venue, gallery or theatre has your best interest at heart, in fact some are out to exploit you. 2 checks to make sure they don’t.
Not every venue, gallery or theatre has your best interest at heart, in fact some are out to exploit you. 2 checks to make sure they don’t.
Getting and keeping donors, patrons and benefactors is complex and challenging but TOTALLY worth it. Here are some really great tips to learn how to get and keep donors and patrons for your art.
On-line sales of art is growing by 19% each year… not just visual art. 3 things you should consider before you jump into it and 5 tips for getting into it.
There are lots of ways to describe your projects and using numbers is just another way. It’s also the easiest way to see if the idea is a good one. Allyson McGrane offers some help to relax about numbers.
The key to sales is sharing what you have with your ideal customer. What if you could sit down with your perfect client and have them tell you exactly how to get them to buy what you have to offer. Well you can. It’s time to put your powerful imagination to work for your business.
It’s not all about the money in the short term. There is a formula to determine if what you are creating is viable. It’s important to decide if this next venture is a good investment of your time, money and soul. You want to invest in “viable ideas”.