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Art and spirit
Art and SpiritThe point at which you connect the bigger picture of what you do with your art to the actual art, the more you can find the market that's going to love you and appreciate you.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Solve your business problems
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More productive, more successful
More productive, more successfulAfter ten years of helping artists, here are the 3 best time management tricks for artists. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
No One Knows How Hard it is To Be You
No One Knows How Hard it is To Be You Why is it hard being an artist? What can you do to acknowledge the struggle and the reward. It's time to remind yourself that you are doing well and celebrate with a fellow artist. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free...
Control Your Time
Control Your Time Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Effectiveness is the measure of truth
Effectiveness is the measure of truth It's only true if it's effective. Find your own truth with the final Huna law and use 3 tips to make your truth bullet-proof.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
All power comes from within
All power comes from within All power comes from within you. The 6th Law of Huna connects you to 3 ways to increase your reservoir of internal power to do anything you decide to do and that you take action toward. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free...
Let go of limits
Let go of limitsLimits need you to believe in them. Everything is possible. Learn the 2nd law of Huna and move past with 3 challenges to experience your limitless potential.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
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