Learn to use Value Based Language to market your art. Stop talking about the product and start talking about the benefit people receive. Learn what happens to your fans and customers emotionally and intellectually when they experience you and your art.






Video Transcript:

Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and I want to welcome you to another Hot Tip Tuesday. We’ve gotten a lot of requests from people to give a little bit of background and a little bit of insight into value based language.

value based language is the key marketing change that you need to make and stop talking about the product and start talking about the benefit and the value of your art.

The idea is fairly simple but quite difficult to master but you need to start practicing. You need to figure how your art and you as an artist benefit people’s lives? How does it change things for them? How does it open their mind? How does it open their heart?

There are emotional benefits that come from you as artist and from your artwork. There are intellectual benefits, things that people learn, things that people think differently now because of you and your art.

If you can start to find the impact of your art meaning what are these benefits? What do people want to spend their and their money with you? That’s what we call value based. They value you and your art enough to spend their time and their money with you but it’s your job to figure out why and then start talking about that because the product is always going to change in your world. It might be this painting today. It might be this play today but tomorrow it’s going to be a different painting, a different sculpture, a different event or a different play, a different concert.

It’s very hard to continually market the product. That’s called branding. It’s very expensive and very hard to do but once you realize what the benefit of you as an artist and the benefit of your art is, that won’t change when the product changes.

The reason people want to spend their time with you and spend their money with you is to receive a benefit not to buy a product. It’s really key to wrestle this one through in your mind and start talking about the benefit. If you dont know what the benefit or the value to you as an artist to other people or what the value and benefit of your art is, just ask. Start asking your big fans, your followers, people that have known your work for a long time. Ask them what they get out of it, ask them how it benefits them, ask them why they value you.

Once you start hearing what happens to them when they experience your work intellectually, emotionally, spiritually you’ll start to understand what the benefit of your art is. It’s way easier to market that than it is to market a product. That’s a little tiny bit of insight into value based language.

If you found this Hot Tip helpful please like this video. If you have any questions about what we talked about please write those below and we’ll respond. We can have a big of dialog about value based language because it’s a bit of complex thing but feel free to comment.

If you know someone who could benefit from this please share this video long. We want you to more than survive. We actually want you to thrive so in order to thrive you need to subscribe. We’ll see you back here next week for another Hot Tip Tuesday.