How do you talk to yourself in your head? It’s time to stop your inner perpetrator from hurling mental abuse. You wouldn’t let someone else talk to you like that…






Video Transcript:

Hi. John Paul Fischbach here, the Chief Alchemist and CEO of the Auspicious Arts Incubator with this week’s Hot Tip. I want to revisit one that I gave you. It’s number 19 but I think it’s an important issue for artists so I wanted it to revisit it with a couple of different ways to look at this because it’s time to listen to that conversation that we keep having with ourselves that’s in our own head. Sometimes the most toxic relationship that we ever get into is the one with ourselves.

Think about it. A lot of the time we talk to ourselves negatively. We beat ourselves up. We call ourselves names. We obsess on our faults. We flood our minds with doubt and cynicism and hate. If we’re continually generating this oppressive and disempowering conversation that is mental abuse. Let’s change that relationship to one that can be healthier and friendlier. Let’s change what we say to ourselves. We can nurture ourselves. We can take pride in our accomplishments. We can acknowledge our strengths. We can acknowledge that we’re worthy of a good life. We can recognize when we do well when we try our best and when we connect authentically with someone else.

When we do this our self-talk focuses on how deserving and capable and trustworthy and loving that we are. I’m asking you what kind of a relationship do you have with yourself in your own mind? Are you your own worst enemy or your best friend? Are the thoughts that are playing in your head hurtful or helpful?

Whatever else you are you are an accomplished artist. Are you choosing to give yourself some credit? Do you congratulate yourself when you put yourself out there and you try new things? When you handle the world’s challenges with grace and strength are you saying well done? Let’s stop beating ourselves up and being perpetrators of mental abuse. I want you to spend some time this week having a positive conversation in your mind. Start by simply congratulating yourself for your next achievement. That is all.

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