Call for artists to learn there are lots of ways to describe your projects and using numbers is just another way. It’s also the easiest way to see if the idea is a good one. Allyson McGrane offers some help to relax about numbers.
Video Transcript:
John Paul: Hi, John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist of the Auspicious Arts Incubator on the road with this Hot Tip Tuesday. Here I am on the road and I want you to meet an amazing woman Allyson from Left Right Minds. Welcome.
Allyson: Great, thanks for having me John Paul.
John Paul: We’ve been talking about the whole left right mind thing in terms of looking at a project and not being afraid of the numbers. Allyson helps artists all over the place, hundreds of artists calm down about the numbers so how do you do that?
Allyson: I talk a lot to artists about the fact that your project – how you think about it, what the things are in it can also explained in numbers as well as words. In fact the numbers are a really good way for people who don’t understand words to understand what it is that you’re talking about. It’s a way to communicate the project and to be able to understand whether or not there’s enough money. I know we all love the word money but the fact of the matter is you need to have enough money to do the project that you want to do the way that you want to do it and the only way to know is to run the numbers.
John Paul: One of the things that is cool is as you help artists you say look; let’s describe your project in terms of numbers and then let’s look at whether this is going to produce the result that you want.
Allyson: Exactly and in order to do that sometimes I use multiple versions. I will use a version that is like the ‘gravy’ version. If you had a lot of money how would you spend it? What things would you do John Paul? Then I have sort of a middle of the road version. Let’s say, you get some of the money you want, some of the things happen you want them to then what would it look like then. I also have the back up version, the bare bones that everything falls apart. How much could I get done on a little bit of money and still get the project to happen the way that I want it to.
John Paul: We’re on the road. There’s a festival that is kicking up across the street so it’s great. Thank you for spending some time with us. This has been Hot Tip Tuesday on the road. If this video was great please share it with a fellow artist and if you want real practical help for your arts business and yourself as an artist check us out at See you later.