Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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The magic key to survival as an indy artist
The magic key to survival as an indy artist The best habit to learn to survive as an indy artist is to learn how to feel good about your journey. Have you programmed your mind to believe that hard and stressful is your normal? Here are 3 ways to celebrate and...
Remove the stress of feedback
Remove the stress of feedback Giving and receiving feedback can be a fear provoking process, but there’s no doubt it can help identify issues and solve them.There is a best way to give and receive feedback so that you remove the stress associated with...
3 things that will save your life (and your art)
3 things that will save your life (and your art) You are the most important part of your business. You have to take care of ME. These three things will make sure you won’t burn out.facebooktwitterinstagramThis week I’m helping you balance the pressure of your growing...
2 easy ways to get more work
2 easy ways to get more work There are 2 easy ways for creative entrepreneurs to get more art this year. If you learn how to leverage last year’s work you can generate sustainable income. facebooktwitterinstagramThis week, I wanna help you fill up your year with...
Revolutionise your to-do list
Revolutionize your to-do list If your to do list is causing you stress and making you feel like there is just too much you need to do, here’s an awesome mental re-frame for this. Check out, everyone. I’m Tracy...
The best brain hack to be positive
The best brain hack to be positive You can get out of the rut of negative thoughts and be positive if you learn how to rewire the thought pathways and create new positive pathways. facebooktwitterinstagramThis week, I’m challenging you to start this year by being...
Feel the love
Feel the love Here are 3 hugs from us for you and what you do with a request to honour, appreciate and love a fellow artist.facebooktwitterinstagramThis week, I’m sharing some love and I want you to share it too. I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist as...
The Secret works for artists if you know how to use it
The Secret works for artists if you know how to use it Clear intention and a plan makes it possible for the universe to bring you what you need to succeed.facebooktwitterinstagramHi, guys. It’s Callum again. Thanks for tuning in for another one of our weekly Hot Tips....
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