Hot Tip for Artists
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Make better decisions
Make better decisions Tracy Margieson from the Arts Wellbeing Collective helps you understand how your values form a powerful compass for decision making.facebooktwitterinstagramJohn: This week, we’re gonna talk to you about values because it’s kind of a compass. I’m...
The best decision making tool
The best decision making tool The rule of 3 helps you make better logical decisions.This tip explains why and teaches you how to apply the rule of 3.facebooktwitterinstagramThis week, I’m sharing an awesomely simple decision-making tool. I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m...
The real key to sustainable creative business
The biggest mistake most of us make is that we fall in love with our business or our products or our services not with our clients. The key to sustainable creative businesses is customers, so fall in love with your customers.
Are you are caught in a Vicious Circle?
You get caught in a viscous circle where your story becomes a limiting belief. Callum Fox shares the secret of how to break this pattern.
The 3 Best Time Management Tricks for Artists
After ten years of helping artists, here are the 3 best time management tricks for artists.
What to charge for your art
As an independent artist it is up to you to set your rates. Set your rates for what you are charging for your art and your creativity.
Eliminate your Financial Anxiety
Setting smart financial goals will set you up for eliminating your financial anxiety. Learn how to set honest, achievable financial goals for the year.
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