Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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You know 5 People Who will Help You
There is support around you just ask. You are an inter-dependent artist. There are people who are part of your arts practice who want you to succeed. Build an Artist’s Advisory Circle to propel your business.
Make $100,000 as an Artist
Understand the concept of 1000 true fans so you can learn how to make $100,000 as an artist. Cultivate your true fans and develop a micro-patronage plan.
Control Your Time
Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes.
There’s a Secret To Changing Your Limiting Beliefs
There’s a secret to changing your limiting beliefs. They are there because you wanted them at one point but they no longer serve you. Take the first step now to uncouple them from your auto response programming.
5 Things to Avoid Burnout
We all have work stress, when it becomes relentless you’re heading for burnout. Look out for 3 red flags and then use these 5 ways to prevent burnout.
30 Second Anxiety Buster
You can beat anxiety if you develop a habit that interrupts your physiology. You can develop a habit of mindful breathing that will disrupt your stress response and let you make a different choice and take new action. Video Transcript: This week's hot tip will buster...
The 3 Inner Secret Habits of Successful Artists
The inner game is where you succeed. Making a change to your inner habits will make the biggest difference. There are 7 secret inner habits of success. Here’s three.
It’s hard being an Artist
Why is it hard being an artist? What can you do to acknowledge the struggle and the reward. It’s time to remind yourself that you are doing well and celebrate with a fellow artist.
The Rules to Getting the Most Out of Something
It’s up to you to get the most out of something. When you lean in awesome things happen. Follow these rules to make sure you get what you need.
Tackle the fear that’s holding your art back
Your awesome potential is out there. It’s just fear that’s stopping you. We have the way to tackle it.
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