Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
We have over 200 Hot Tips for artists that you can scroll through, OR click on a catagory and just have a look at the videos specific to that area.
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Get the important stuff done first
Are you too busy, are you keeping on top of all the urgent things but letting the important things slide?. This week, I’ll teach you a really simple time management trick that will help you accomplish some of the important stuff each and every week.
Why you can’t sell your art
Selling your own art is hard for you.. And there is a really simple reason why it is so hard. Once you understand why it is hard you can learn how to make it easier.
You are not in the art business
We are artists, but we are not in the business of art, we are in the business of emotion. Understanding the real business we are in helps to empower our work and be more successful.
Are you being exploited?
Not every venue, gallery or theatre has your best interest at heart, in fact some are out to exploit you. 2 checks to make sure they don’t.
3 focus patterns to watch out for
There are 3 patterns of focus that will determine your happiness and your success and you can choose to fall into these patterns or change them.
You are enough, really you are
Unhappiness is sometimes a part of the artist’s psyche especially if at the core you believe that you are not enough. But you are. Here’s a great tip to solve this issue.
Put better images inside your head
You can learn to control the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself. You can conquer nervousness, cheat fear and build confidence just by changing one word you say to yourself.
How to get donors for your art
Getting and keeping donors, patrons and benefactors is complex and challenging but TOTALLY worth it. Here are some really great tips to learn how to get and keep donors and patrons for your art.
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