Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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How to make the first contact with a gallery
Maria Irminger is back with awesome advice for artists wanting to make the first contact with a gallery. What to prepare and how to do it.
4 tips for working with tables
Tables are great in a document and easy to use if you know a few hot tips.
Nice+Good+On Time=repeat engagement
Maria Irminger joins us this week with wisdom for artists working with galleries particularly ones run by government. Nice+Good+On Time= three essential things to get a return gig.
Call to Artist: Procrastination is good
We procrastinate because we get an instant reward. Understanding these rewards and where they come from helps us to manage this behaviour.
Call for Artists: Time management for emails
Call for Artists to learn how to manage emails by using folders to focus your energy and saving time.
How to rule your inbox
Learning to batch your email makes managing your inbox possible.
3 keys to changing habits
We are what we do and 40% of what we do is habitual. There is a code that drives the pattern of all habits. Once you know this code you can create new ones and dismantle bad ones.
Call for Artists: Don’t run away from the numbers
There are lots of ways to describe your projects and using numbers is just another way. It’s also the easiest way to see if the idea is a good one. Allyson McGrane offers some help to relax about numbers.
Successful entrepreneurial artist 3 Traits
3 critical things to being a successful entrepreneurial artist are; 1. Choose yourself 2. Find your ideal customer 3. Diversify your creative revenue. These make the difference between success and struggle.
What’s your story?
What’s the story you tell yourself about why you have what you have in your life? Does it create pity or inspiration in others? Is it a story of reasons or excuses?
Have you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?
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