Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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2 MUST DO things to avoid burnout
When there is always too much to do: Here are 2 MUST Do things to avoid burn out for artists.
How to Re-boot Your Brain
We expect so much from our brain, yet we do very little to help them maintain their optimal functioning. Here’s a few things you can do to give your brain some TLC.
Stop the mental abuse
How do you talk to yourself in your head? It’s time to stop your inner perpetrator from hurling mental abuse. You wouldn’t let someone else talk to you like that…
2 steps to control your day
Every day could deliver the results you want. Learn how to shift your mindset and change some simple behaviours.
3 Ways to Prosper in the Time of Disruption
We are making art at an exciting time. The old order and power structures have been disrupted. There are three fundamental things all artists can do to prosper.
The secret to how artists learn
We learn lots but not all of it sticks. The reason is in our dominant learning style. As Visual / Kinesthetic learners, there’s a secret to help artists make the things we learn stick.
Talk with your ideal customer
The key to sales is sharing what you have with your ideal customer. What if you could sit down with your perfect client and have them tell you exactly how to get them to buy what you have to offer. Well you can. It’s time to put your powerful imagination to work for your business.
Something More Important than your To Do List
If you want less stress and more progress…make sure that everything on your to-do list is scheduled in your diary. If it’s not in your diary it’s just wishful thinking.
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