Hot Tip for Artists
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Sacred Laws for Artists
Sacred Laws for Artists The matrix is true, the world is what you think it is. Think a better world when you learn a secrete law of Huna. The first law of Huna puts you in control of your situation. It's up to you. The world is what you think it...
Celebrate The Small Wins
Celebrate The Small Wins The best habit to learn to survive as an independent artist is to learn how to feel good about your journey. Have you programmed your mind to believe that hard and stressful is your normal? Here are 3 ways to celebrate and reprogram your mind...
Time Traps that Artists Fall Into
Time Traps that Artists Fall Into There are 6 time traps that artists fall into. Learn what they are and watch out for them. Your time is the most valuable thing you have to manage. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
What should I charge?
What should I charge?Title As an independent artist it is up to you to set your rates. Set your rates for what you are charging for your art and your creativity. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Inner Habits of Successful Artists
Inner Habits of Successful Artists The inner game is where you succeed. Making a change to your inner habits will make the biggest difference. There are 7 secret inner habits of success. Here's three. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for...
Pause And Get Organised
Pause And Get Organised It's time to hit pause and do a right brain artist style plan. Let's make this your best year. A year from now I want you to look back over 2021 and say "Wow, look what I achieved!"facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for...
Eliminate your Financial Anxiety
Eliminate your Financial AnxietySetting smart financial goals will set you up for eliminating your financial anxiety. Learn how to set honest, achievable financial goals for next year.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Are you OKAY?
Are you OKAY? We all have work stress, when it becomes relentless you're heading for burnout. Look out for 3 red flags and then use these 5 ways to prevent burnout. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
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