Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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2 step anxiety management
It’s normal for artists to experience more anxiety than most so we need to manage it. It’s possible to recognise anxiety and wrestle back control so that we can continue forward. But like any great skill it takes practice and time.
One hour on Monday will stop you floundering
The magic key to working smarter is planning, especially when it comes to reaching the goal. You need to plan the work and then work the plan. The first hour of your week is the time to zoom up, see the big picture and create the plan to achieve it.
Modelling Successful Artists
Success leaves a trail. You can model the decisions, beliefs and behaviour of successful artists. It starts with knowing what’s holding you back from success and learning what other artists have done.
To be an artist: The 7 places where artists get stuck
There is a model that identifies the 7 primary places where artists get stuck in trying to achieve success. Being able to identify where the problem is helps you to focus and solve the problem.
Is my art viable?
It’s not all about the money in the short term. There is a formula to determine if what you are creating is viable. It’s important to decide if this next venture is a good investment of your time, money and soul. You want to invest in “viable ideas”.
Success on your terms
Success isn’t determined by achieving some goal. You’re an artist for the long term make sure that you measure your success on your terms. Look at the impact of your art as well as achievements.
Time saver in WORD
There is a secret weapon inside WORD that will save you heaps of time. It’s the short-cut function that lets you repeat the last action.
Design your ideal day
Ideal days happen but you can create them if you know what makes an ideal day for you. How do you feel? What are you doing? How do you show up?
Document Style Shortcut
Professional looking documents have nice formatting all the way through. This is easily accomplished once you know how to use the little paint-brush tool
Excuses are your key
If you hear yourself use an excuse for not having the career you could be having, it’s a tap from your subconscious to get you to notice the thing you want to change.
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