Hot Tip for Artists
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Surprise Your Customers
Surprise Your Customers The biggest mistake most of us make is that we fall in love with our business or our products or our services not with our clients. The key to sustainable creative businesses is customers, so fall in love with your...
More Productive = More Successful
More Productive = More Successful After ten years of helping artists, here are the 3 best time management tricks for artists.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Control Your Morning, Control Your Day
Control Your Morning, Control Your Day Your morning routine might just be preparing you for a productive day reacting to things. As an artist, it’s important to start the day proactive and in control of our thoughts and our emotions. This is a technique to create a...
Lighten up on yourself
Lighten up on yourself Why is it hard being an artist? What can you do to acknowledge the struggle and the reward. It's time to remind yourself that you are doing well and celebrate with a fellow artist.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for...
Take Stock of your Arts Practice
Take Stock of your Arts Practice Take stock of your arts practice. Learn our technique to get a critical objective perspective. Do the SOW exercise to see the real picture of your arts practice and know what you need to do next. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got...
Getting Ready To Re-Launch
Getting Ready To Re-Launch There is support around you just ask. You are an inter-dependent artist. There are people who are part of your arts practice who want you to succeed. Build an Artist's Advisory Circle to propel your business. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you...
Best Productivity Hack Ever
Best Productivity Hack EverProductivity is about how you prioritize your focus and attention during the time that you have. It's time to work smarter, not just harder.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Get Control Of Your Time
Get Control Of Your Time Controlling your time is up to you. How do you want to do it? Here are a series of questions to prompt a discussion to make some changes. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Have you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?
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