Hot Tip for Artists
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Avoid Artist Burnout
Avoid Artist BurnoutWe all have work stress, when it becomes relentless you're heading for burnout. Look out for 3 red flags and then use these 5 ways to prevent burnout. facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Sort out your money stuff
Sort out your money stuff Sort out your money stuff. If you want to manage your money you have to measure it... Simple exercise this week to gain some knowledge around your money.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
3 beliefs that are blocking your success
Beliefs that are blocking your successShifting your artist's mindset to an artist in business's mindset is the biggest thing you can do this week.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for artists?webinar
Feel the love
Feel the love With all my heart, thank you for choosing a life that can be hard, that can be joyous and it’s often a little bit difficult to explain, really. Thank you for being a fellow artist. So please, feel the love from me and share it with a fellow artist right...
It’s hard being an Artist
It’s hard being an ArtistWhy is it hard being an artist? What can you do to acknowledge the struggle and the reward. It’s time to remind yourself that you are doing well and celebrate with a fellow artist.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our 4 Free Resources for...
Take Stock of your Arts Practice
Take Stock of your Arts PracticeTake stock of your arts practice. Learn our technique to get a critical objective perspective. Do the SOW exercise to see the real picture of your arts practice and know what you need to do next.facebooktwitterinstagramHave you got our...
Instant energy boost
Instant energy boostIt’s important to be able to generate a boost of energy when we need it, without getting some sugar or caffeine. There is a really cool natural 60 second breathing technique that will get some much needed oxygen to your blood. making you more...
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