Hot Tip for Artists
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Hot Tips
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Sort out your money stuff
Sort out your money stuff The 7th in the series of 10 things taking us through what JP’s learnt about running a successful arts business: Money!facebooktwitterinstagramRight. So, here we are, live once again. This week, the point is to bring you up to speed with...
Use your accomplishments to improve your mental health
Use your accomplishments to improve your mental health How do we use our accomplishments and achievements to improve our mental health and wellbeing? Well, you just accomplish MORE. It’s actually the stuff you’re doing already – big and...
What’s your response – fight or flight?
What’s your response – fight or flight? Learn how to use your creative thinking skills to manage your stress responses. While it might feel like we’re facing down a sabre tooth tiger, it’s more likely something that we’re only perceiving to be life and death rather...
But I don’t want to be a business person, that’s why I’m an artist
But I don’t want to be a business person, that’s why I’m an artist Your art business is uniquely yours. Build your business around what is important to you and in line with your values. Comment on this post and share about one thing that rejuvenates...
Better Branding – find out what your fans say
Better Branding – find out what your fans say Yeah, but what do your customers say about you and your art… It’s hard for us to work on our branding because we are deep inside the creation of our art. Here’s how to get the vital outside perspective. Comment below with...
3 beliefs that are blocking your success
3 beliefs that are blocking your success Do you believe you can succeed as an artists in business? 80% of success is psychological. John Paul presented this Hot Tip LIVE. We’re loving the new format and keen to keep this up every week. Watch out for the notification...
Create a compelling vision of your career
Create a compelling vision of your career This week's Hot Tip is to create a compelling vision of your career facebooktwitterinstagramGreat. Here we are. So, this week’s hot tip is coming to you live. So, we’ve started this fun idea of doing them live because it’s a...
Where to from here?
Where to from here? For our 200th Episode, we’re switching to a LIVE format for tips! Our 200th Hot Tip for artists is all about how to keep being an artist. Here is the link to the diagnostic survey
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