To achieve excellence time and time again learn to follow the path from Desire to Vision to Experience and ultimately Transformation.
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Video Transcript:
Welcome to this weekly podcast of Hot Tip Tuesday, presented by The Auspicious Arts Incubator, building sustainable arts businesses. This Tuesday I want to take you down the pathway of excellence. I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and this week is a companion to the other hot tip, The Code of Excellence. So in this hot tip, I wanna help you look at the pathway that we take to attain excellence. As artists, we follow a particular path that we know creates excellence. So if the previous hot tip was what we do, this is how we do excellence.
So, here is the diagram of this pathway. Again, it has four parts to it: desire, vision, experience, and transformation. What keeps us on the path of excellence is our desire for it. It’s my desire for being the best I can be at the thing that I do. If you don’t desire excellence, you’re not gonna create excellence. The key to desire is being thirsty and being curious, and that helps us to see where we’re gonna head, and that’s toward a vision. And the way we get there is by doing something. We get from desire to vision by doing things. And what helps the doing is being able to be comfortable with risk and with failure. So taking action, trying it, doing it, leads us towards vision. And when we’re in their place of vision, that’s that place that we really know, that’s that action of the inspiration, of following our intuition, of a new perspective. We’re good at having vision and manifesting that vision over and over again, and that leads to experience. And the experience of excellence is really the series of small and simple habits that are strung together and are paired with hard work, day by day, moment by moment, all the little things that we do that matter.
Now it’s our experience that really makes us able to repeat excellence. And as we develop excellence, we learn, we learn what works and we learn how to be better, how to be faster, we learn how to make it easier, we learn how to build it stronger. So we, along with our art, travel with our learnings. That’s why that’s called the pathway of learning, right? And we travel along this pathway of excellence and we arrive at transformation. We realize the great importance of the consistency of all those little things, and we actually become the art. The excellence that we create along this pathway inspires others and actually transforms others. Our experience of excellence is the power of our work, because we stretch minds, we open hearts, and we change lives, and we enjoy success.
So this week I want you to watch yourself as you walk this pathway of excellence, starting out with desire, doing something about that in the pursuit of a vision, finding that vision, and then creating it over and over again, and developing experience, and wisdom, and gathering and embodying the learnings that come from experience, and then transforming into an agent of change. So look at yourself as you create art this week. Look at how you move from desire, to vision, gathering experience, to transformation. That’s the pathway of excellence. We do it all the time, and sometimes it helps to see what we do and how we do it, so that we can stay on that path of excellence. Okay, see you next week.
Now there’s an extended version of this if you really wanna know about this pathway of excellence and dig more into it. It’s in our membership site called ASAP. So check that out if you’d like to go a bit deeper into this.
Thanks for listening to this week’s Hot Tips Tuesday podcast. All of these podcasts in the Hot Tip Tuesday series, are curated by myself, John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and are produced by [inaudible 00:04:33]. Check us out if you wanna see these podcast, because sometimes there are visuals that don’t translate in a podcast. And you can see those videos if you check out our website, And there’s a drop-down menu for quick help for artists where you can see the video version of this podcast.