4 ways to be powerful NOW not tomorrow or next week. NOW is the moment of power. Learn 4 techniques from the ancient Huna traditions to achieve power.
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Video Transcript:
This Tuesday I’m happy to share another law of the Huna with you. We’re up to law number four. Now is the moment of power. Kuuni was the Hawaiian Kahuna that I worked with, and he showed me how all of the laws of the Huna work together. So he explained it to me like this. If the world is what you think it is, and there are no limits, everything is possible. And energy flows where attention goes, so now is the moment of power. Now is the moment to act. Now is the moment to make change. Now is the moment to take action. Not tomorrow, not some other time in the future. Whatever it is, that is in your best interest, if you do it now, you have full access to all the laws of Huna. That action, by doing it now, gives you access to all the laws. Now is the moment to think a better world. Now is the moment to break free of the limiting beliefs. Now is the moment to create what’s possible. Now is the moment to focus on what you want.
Too many of us are wasting the now. Too many of us live the same lives that we lived last year, while others of us live in some sort of unrealized future fantasy. If your attention is either in the past or the future, your energy becomes scattered and drained. We miss so many opportunities by not being in the moment. When we take control and come back to now, we can achieve so much more. We can experience so much more, we can understand so much more.
It’s true that our past and our future hold powerful lessons. They hold…they show us examples. They help us understand possibilities. But the power of the now and the current moment holds the greatest key to self-fulfillment and artistic mastery and artistic success. You know as artists that the moments come and go, seize the moment now to create, to act, to change. The question to ask yourself is if you are more comfortable living in the stress or the fear of the past or the future, or are you willing to cast them aside and take meaningful action in the current moment? I hope that you are willing to celebrate, take action, and launch your best self in this moment and all the moments of now as they happen.
When you find that your mind is in the past or the future, it’s your choice to bring it back to the present. It is power that you can exercise now. The worst use of our powerful conscious mind, is to waste this energy on regretting the past or worrying about the future. The best use of our powerful conscious mind is to act, and think, and be fully present now. Being fully present is the greatest gift that we can give to one another. Being fully present with our attention and our energy is also the greatest gift that we can give our art. Be here now. Be here with each other now. Be here with your art now. And the action for this law is just be here.
So this week, I wanna give you a couple of challenges to embrace. This fourth law, now is the moment of power. Number one, live in the current moment. Not in the past, not in the future. Number two, bring your attention and engagement back to the current moment of power. Number three, take action now and completely enjoy this moment of attention. And finally, allow your mind to let go of the things that are beyond your control, and instead, make a small meaningful change to the present moment by your attention and your action. So give it a go. Now is the moment of power.
If you need to work on this, if you realize that there are nows that are passing you by, you might wanna check out the ASAP membership site. That’s a now, take advantage of that, sign up to that, because I’m gonna give you an extended version of this hot tip that goes into greater explanation and gives you more practical exercises to improve your arts career, by using the law “Now is the moment of power.” When you need other real practical advice for your artistic career, check us out at www.auspiciousartsincubator.org.