To-do lists are great because it keeps you productive but I’ll bet you that the things that will make the biggest difference to your career aren’t on that list. We’ve developed a to-do list method that is ideal for artist entrepreneurs that helps you track the important things as well as the urgent things.





Video Transcript:

John Paul: Wohoo, we did it. Number 50. Who would have thought, 50 Hot Tip Tuesdays.

Craig: Really great, incredible. I mean look around at this studio it’s just incredible how much it’s changed.

John Paul: I can remember how we started.

Craig: You can do a lot of with hot glue and Gaffer tape and JP being in the theater business there was a lot of that around at the beginning.

John Paul: If it can’t be done with Gaffer tape and hot glue it can’t be done. My favorite was that in the early days the teleprompter was in a cardboard box that Craig made.

Craig: We only just upgraded it to a wooden box at episode 47.

John Paul: We’re not going to divulge all our secrets.

Craig: I’ll let you get on with this week’s Hot Tip.

John Paul: This week’s Hot Tip Tuesday is a better to do list. To do lists are great because it helps the conscious mind. Your mind has a lot more things to do than trying to remember a bunch of things that are on the lists. The little old conscious mind has very limited processing capacity. It’s 40 bits per second. That’s it. That’s its total limit. It can only handle about three things at the same time so a to do list is great because it frees up so much of the conscious mind.

People who work with us in the Artist Transformation School they learn a truly awesome process of to do listing that entrepreneurs use but for now I’m going to share a little bit sized version with you. If you have a to do list go get it. Pause this video and actually go get it. Look at the top things that are on that list. They are the urgent things right?

Here’s the deal. You dont have a to do list. You have an urgency list. Every task that gets on your list needs to be evaluated based on two criteria its importance to your career and its urgency. There’s lots of task that also move from list to list. They migrate from this list to the next list to the next list and the reason? They’re not urgent. They’re important but they’re not urgent but those tasks that if you complete them will propel your career they’re the important and not urgent ones.

My challenge to you is to keep track of the important things on your to do list. You could try a two column list. On one column you’ve got the urgent things just like you do now but in the other column it’s the important things.  Here’s what I want you to do book out 30 minutes tomorrow to work on one of the important things.

If this Hot Tip was helpful to you please like the video. What I’d love you to do is share this with some of your friends who also need to be more productive and get more things done and do better to do lists. What I’d also ask you to do is write the important thing in the comments below. The important thing that if you did it would propel your career but it’s not an urgent thing. Please write what that is in the comments section below.

Like always here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. In order to thrive you should subscribe. Subscribe and we’ll bring you lots more Hot Tips. Who knows what 100 would be. See you later.