Some beliefs are empowering while some limit you from achieving what you know in your heart is possible. These beliefs are the stories you assume to be true about yourself, your life and others. Your inner script writer creates responses for you based on these beliefs. In order to change these scripts you need to identify what you don’t like and be able to write down how you want it instead. Julie-Anne Black shares a cool exercise to do this.





Video Transcript:

Hello and welcome to another Hot Tip Tuesday. I’m Julie-Anne Black, the producer of Bold and Irresistible Communicators here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Beliefs, we all have them. Some are very empowering and helpful while others can debilitate, disempower and limit you from achieving what you know in your heart is possible.

What are beliefs? Essentially they’re the stories you assume to be true about yourself, life and others. In other words beliefs are the foundation of which you make your decisions alongside your values. You give them immense power and gravitas to drive your every move and mood in life, love, business, friendships, health, finances, success and failure.

I call them your storylines, the theme of which you base your performance on and over the years of intense training on the set of your life you begin to write scenes for yourself that in latter years you play out unconsciously. It’s your default setting as if the director has called action and boom, you’re in character.

Now imagine you had an inner scriptwriter who is tucked away in your unconscious mind and wielded unprecedented power to shape and control the very scenes you find yourself in narrating your thoughts, words, actions and reactions. This inner scriptwriter is in charge of determining the plot and storyline of your life and it will be triggered by stress or anxiety especially when you’re upset, emotional or feeling conflict.

If you dont like the scenes you find yourself in at the moment then let’s call for a plot twist. The next time you hear yourself saying a line that puts yourself down or makes you feel bad causing you to react out of lack, fear, scarcity or desperation I want you to hit the pause button. Write that hurtful line down on one piece of paper and then take another piece of paper and explore how you’d like it to be instead.

This is an example. One of my clients said I’m not good at selling my art. I asked them, how would you like it to be instead? With a little patience she started to paint a picture and feel the feelings of how she wanted it to be instead. This triggered instant feelings of hope, peace and harmony.

The power of writing it down is to get it out of your head. It also slows your mind down so you can charge of your thoughts, actions and reactions. Once those limiting beliefs are written down on one page and you have your list of new empowering beliefs on another page I recommend you do a release ceremony for the old limiting beliefs. You can do this by burning, shredding or burying them.

The next time you feel yourself writing a script you no longer want to repeat hit the pause button, write the line down and then explore with curiosity, love and compassion how you want it to be instead. What is the script you would prefer to be reading then call action and perform that new script to the best of your ability?

You’ll probably need to rehearse it a number of times before it feels natural and tweak the wording until it flows and the more you do that the more effortlessly it will override the old script and before you know it you will have a new way of being.

That’s it for this week’s Hot Tip. If you like this tip then please like this video. If you know someone that could use the power of working with their inner scriptwriter then please share this with them. We love hearing from you too so write us a comment to keep the conversation going. Here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator we want you to more than survive, we want you to thrive. In order to thrive you need to subscribe so please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Until next time keep smiling and be brilliant now.