FLOW is the magical place of creation. A place that artists master. Bring the same magic into your business. Find the area where you want some growth, Rise to the challenge and polish up your most critical weaknesses until they become your greatest strengths…Pick a new challenge and repeat…
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. I welcome you to another Hot Tip Tuesday. The topic this week is Flow. Understanding flow and understanding how to remove blockages by understanding how flow works for artists.
As artists we actually understand flow quite well. We get in the flow. When you can be in the studio and hours go by. You just keep working and working or when you’re in rehearsal and hours just fly by and you can keep focus at a high level and continued to work. They studied us to figure out how we do this flow. I think it’s helpful to explain to you what they discovered.
The challenge is part of flow. The other part of flow is your skill level. It’s this dance between the challenge and your skill level that creates flow. Life is a process of meeting ever increasing challenges while simultaneously ever increasing our abilities and skills but here’s the catch. If you have a Level 10 challenge and a Level 2 skill level you feel lots of anxiety. If you have a Level 2 challenge and a Level 10 skill level you’re going to feel a lot of boredom but when you have a Level 8 challenge and a Level 7 skill level you feel stretched and challenged in a positive way. As you continue to increase your skills as well as the level of challenges you find flow and you fall in love with the process of expanding and growing in really positive ways. That’s what we do as an art.
When we create art we have a challenge then we have some skills. Then the bar gets raised we get more skills. We keep doing this. That’s what you need to do in life. What is it that you need to do? How do you extrapolate what we do as artists into the rest of your life? Find the areas where you need to grow, rise to the challenge and polish up your most critical weaknesses until they become your greatest strengths.
Challenge, skill. Find the skill that needs to change get that. New challenge and away you go. Flowing through life just you flow through your art.
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Thank you so much for this; now I know why my nerves are frayed! I have always punched above my weight, moving on to a new challenge when I got on top of something – terrified of boredom. Generally, instinct and lifetime-learning have served me well, but after ten years of trying to ‘make it’ in music theatre (as a writer/composer) – the ultimate challenge – I am suddenly exhausted. Feeling unequipped to ‘learn’ how to be a producer, a director, a music director and a sound/lighting technician and media strategist is depleting my ageing brain. It must be time to share, collaborate, and enjoy. The huge problem ahead, however, is finding my A-team. I go to shows of all types, and network, but good directors are rare, and producers rarer. Everyone says d.i.y. but my nerves won’t cope. I’m a team person at heart, not a leader, but would love to be matched up with one. That sounds feeble, but at least I’ve completed and workshopped a good product. The workshop actors loved it but are now scattered, doing paid jobs, and nobody seems to know a director they’d unhesitatingly recommend.
Sorry to land this fervent outburst on you, but I guess that’s what you expected…a prime case of mismatched skills and challenge.
Hope you can do something with this feedback…
Hi Joanna, great to hear from you again… It’s criminal that things haven’t shifted for your show. You are certainly not alone in your quest. I wish that Australia was bigger and that there were producers and directors around. I do hope that you are still going to new musical openings and continuing to network.
John Paul