You can avoid the tears and despair of loosing all your electronic files by backing up your life and your art. Our IT Guru takes you through some simple options. Please don’t wait until it’s too late.
Video Transcript:
Hi. It’s Craig Lambie, the Chief IT Guru here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator bringing you this week’s Hot Tip Tuesday. This week I’d like to share with you a fantastic tech tip which will be really helpful if your computer ever dies. I know your computer won’t die and I’m not sending that vibe out there at all but I want you to be prepared if it ever does happen. If your computer goes down you need to have back-up. Oh my God, that’s a terrible word isn’t it? Back-up.
It’s that really important but not very urgent task that you really should get onto today. If you don’t have a back-up solution I’ve got a couple of suggestions for you. One of the things or couple of things that you can do is use something like Dropbox or Google Drive and have everything that you have in that folder so that it’s always synching with your cloud version of your files or your back-up.
You can get into other more complex ways of doing it. For example have an external hard drive that you copy everything to every time. Make sure that you have an exact copy and have a weekly or daily at least weekly though copy of everything on your computer that you are working on or have worked on goes across to your external hard drive.
My recommendation is to have two external hard drives. One that you copy on to each week and say you go and visit your mother or some family member and you have another one there. You swap it over, bring the other one back and then for some reason lose one of them or one of them breaks then you’ve always got the other one as a back-up. Back-up for back-up is very important.
That’s this week’s hot tip. If you found this tip really useful then please like this video. If you think somebody else would really benefit from this tip then please share the video with them. We’re quite happy for that to happen. If you have any comments or questions please below the video write us a comment and we’ll be happy to start a conversation about backup and I’ll be there looking out for your comments.
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