3 beliefs that are blocking your success
3 Things that are Blocking your Success!Artists can succeed in business! 80% of success is psychological. Here’s the key to adding some business mindset to the artist’s mindset. Comment on this video and let me know which is limiting to you success.
Posted by Auspicious Arts Incubator on Monday, 30 July 2018
3 beliefs that are blocking your success
Do you believe you can succeed as an artists in business? 80% of success is psychological.
John Paul presented this Hot Tip LIVE. We’re loving the new format and keen to keep this up every week. Watch out for the notification every Tuesday on our Facebook Page, and join the chat.
Video Transcript
Right. So, hi, everyone. Welcome to this week’s hot tip for artists. The topic this week is about mindset. So, we talked last time about vision. And the two go together. So, it’s important that you understand how the two relate and that they actually go together, that vision is part of what you’re trying to correct and what you’re trying to set. And the part of that that works is mindset. Because if you’ve got the vision of where you wanna go, that’s really cool and really awesome. The issue then is, how do you make the change that you want? How do you make that vision really happen? How does that really come to peak, to happen? And that’s mindset.
So, I guess, what I want to communicate this week is that you need a different mindset to be a successful artist in business, that’s really the key. Is we have a mindset of an artists and we know what that is and we feel really great about being an artist and we understand what that is and the mindset of an artists. And that we live free and we create beautiful work, and that’s really cool. But what we don’t have is the mindset of someone who’s in business, but we are in business, right? You are in business, right? You produce work, you create things that other people enjoy and experience. And if you do that, if you create those things and you do that work, then you have customers. You have a product or a service that’s out in the marketplace. And if that’s the case, then you are in business, right?
So, I don’t think it’s that big of a leap to develop that mindset. And we’re awesome entrepreneurs, we really, really are. There’s a hot tip that you could go check out. If you go to our website or you go look at our YouTube channel, it’s hot tip number 63, which is called “The Entrepreneurial Mindset.” So, I don’t wanna go into a lot of detail about “The Entrepreneurial Mindset” because you can just go check that. You can absolutely just go check that and see how that, you know, see what that’s like. And I think that it’s really cool, that you can look at that video and check it all out. Sorry, we’re having a little bit of technical struggle. The screen that I was looking at just vanished and just stopped, so, I’m trying to recover what went wrong.
All right. So, we are entrepreneurs, we create something that never existed before, and we’re actually good in business. We deliver on time and on budget. And that’s incredible. You know, there are businesses, they would be envious of being able to do that and we do that all the time. So, I think that it would be important for you to have a look at that and realize that that is part of what we do and we do it really, really well. So, I think that have a look at that and, you know, grab some of those things and bring those forward.
What I want you to think about this week is the key to the mindset is your beliefs. So, it’s your beliefs that our causing that mindset of an artist in business to not be present, right? It’s your beliefs that keep that mindset of being a successful artist in a business away. So, it’s important to have a little bit of a look at those beliefs. So, you know, you’ve got some beliefs. You have some beliefs around the business, right? Just period. So, I want you to spend some time this week, and I want you to be examine the beliefs that you have about business. Like what do you believe about the business? Because we have the mindset of the artist, we get that one, and though mindset of art and creativity, and all those values that we have as an artist. But what are some of the beliefs that you carry around business, period?
And, secondly, I want you to look at the beliefs that you have around an artist in business, right? What do you believe about an artist being in business or an artist operating a business or an artist in business, okay? Because we know what it’s like to be an artist that’s just putting things out in the world and contributing and doing awesome things. But what’s the belief that you have, that you carry, that’s the mindset you have about an artist in business? Do you have opinions? Do you have thoughts? Do you have feelings about that? Because there’s probably a belief there. And then, thirdly, I’d like you to look at the issue of you in business. What do you believe about yourself in business? What are some of the beliefs that you carry about you being in business? All right. So, it’s important to have a look at all of those. I’m just going to grab this.
It’s important for you to look at those three things this week. The beliefs that you carry about business, the beliefs that you have about an artist in business, and then importantly the beliefs that you have about you in business, okay? So, I’d you to think about those things. And then I’d like this idea of this page and this posts that I do to have a bit more interaction. We are cool community of artists, but we don’t really share very much. So, I’m really keen that you guys share a little bit. And I love it that people are jumping on and that’s awesome. So, let’s share a little bit.
So, what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna flip around and then we can share and have a bit more of a chat. So, hang with me. Here we go. Cool. Sorry about that. That was a bit rough but I wanted to just flip that around so we can have a bit of a chat. All right. So what I’d love you to do is to post below this video about, you know, where you have negative beliefs. So, if you just look at the three and say, “My beliefs about being in business, negative or positive. My beliefs about an artists in business, negative or positive. My beliefs about me in business, negative or positive.”
That would be the goal for this week is to let’s have a bit of a conversation and see where those are because as you know from another hot tip where I walk you through the medicine wheel of belief, that it’s your belief that actually determines the results. Because if you look at the beliefs that you carry about business, and an artist in business, and you and in business, that’s gonna create thoughts in your head, right? And those thoughts are gonna create feelings. And because of those feelings, you’re gonna have actions or inaction. And those actions or lack of action is gonna deliver the results that you have.
So, that’s why I really wanted to focus this one on mindset. So, it’s the second in the series of 10 things that I learned over the years that are vitally important. And I’ve given you the link in the description above. If you’d like these delivered directly into your inbox every week, and then you can look at them at your measure or it’s great to take catch me here on this live chat. All right. Sorry, this is a bit rocky. Technically, I have a few little glitches but there we are live, so, you know, you have just to figure that out. All right. Cheers for now.
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