There are 3 patterns of focus that will determine your happiness and your success and you can choose to fall into these patterns or change them.





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Video Transcript:

Welcome to Hot Tip Tuesday. I’m John Paul Fischbach, your CEO and chief alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. This Tuesday topic is, where’s your focus? If you don’t control your focus, the world will, now usually with something that will jolt you to get your attention and usually it’s something to be afraid of. So as artists we have to move our focus away from fear, right? We’re artists, we live awesome, creative lives. We want positive focus.

So I want to look at a couple of patterns of your focus. Positive focus or negative focus. What you focus on expands. Go check out Hot Tip Tuesday number 108, “What’s Your Story?” Focus creates the story, and your story controls the ultimate strategy that you’re going to use to try to progress in life.

So question one, is your focus most of the time on what you can control or what you can’t control? People who focus on what they can control tend to feel more in charge of their life. Focusing on what you can’t control creates a story that doesn’t very much help you, and it gets you into a state where you can’t break that focus on what you can’t control.

Question number two, do you focus on what you have or what’s missing in your life? What’s missing is so  fascinating, that our mind thinks up other things that we’re missing.

Question number three, do you focus on the past, the present, or the future? If you focus on the past and you can’t control it, it’s going to lower your energy and probably depress you. If you focus on the present, you may be happier, because there’s more potential in it. Great business people alternate between focusing on the present and focusing on the future. And a happy person focuses on the future. You can’t focus on the future by staring in the rear view mirror.

So here’s my advice. If you’re focusing on what you can’t control, just say, “Right, I can’t control this, but I can control this.” If you’re focusing on what you don’t have, say, “Well, look, that may be true, but here’s what I do have.” And when you shift your focus, you change your emotional state, which is going to create a better story, which is then going to make it possible for you to apply and use a better strategy.

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