The results you have in life are determined by the beliefs you have. If you want different results you need to alter your beliefs. There are 3 ways. There are three ways to break the pattern that has established your operating beliefs.
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Video Transcript:
Hi. John Paul Fischbach, Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator with this week’s Hot Tip Tuesday 3 Ways to Change Belief. This builds on Hot Tip Tuesday’s video number 40. You know from Hot Tip Tuesday video number 40 that beliefs determine your thoughts, your feelings, your behavior and therefore the results that you achieve in every aspect of your life.
You have some positive beliefs right? Like I have artistic talent. You believe you have artistic talent and that gets you positive results in your life. You probably have some limiting beliefs like artist aren’t good at business. That prevents you from getting the results that you want in your business. It’s that belief not your lack of proficiency in math that prevents you from getting the results you want in your business. Here’s how it plays out. It’s an intricate little dance that you have experience that shapes perception which creates a belief so the experiences I have trouble with figures and that shapes a perception that says I’m not good at it, see and it creates a belief that I’m not good a business or math.
What happens is that also turns back on itself that the belief reinforces the perception which shapes more experience. The belief is I believe I’m not good at it. The perception is I won’t try, see, look I fail if I try and that reinforces more experience of never trying. That’s how it works until one of three things happen. You need to break this pattern so I’m going to teach you the three things that you can do to break this pattern. Number one is have a different experience. Number two is change the belief and number three is change the perception.
Number one is if you have a different experience that changes the perception. If you succeed at math that changes the perception. That changes the belief. Number two, change the belief. If you believe you are good at math you’ll have a different experience and therefore a new perception. Number three is you can change the perception. You can believe that you can. You can see that you can do it. You change the perception and then either the belief or the experience will change.
here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator Craig and I have been on a four year mission to figure out how to help artists change beliefs and we know that by far method number two, change the belief is the easiest. Changing the experience and changing the perception are slow. They do work but they’re slow but if you could get right in there and change the belief it’s really fast and really easy. The trick is you have to access the subconscious mind to do it and we can help you.
Our Artist Mojo Course introduces you to two ways to change belief directly through the subconscious mind of you can get help anywhere you want. The point of this Hot Tip is to realize that what’s holding you back from the results that you want to achieve might be a belief and that needs to change.
If this Hot Tip was helpful please like the video. What I’d love you to do is to leave a comment below. Write a belief that needs to change and if you know someone who needs to change some beliefs please share this video. Here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive and in order to thrive you need to subscribe. Subscribe to Hot Tip Tuesdays and we’ll see you for more tips next week.