Professional artists have a code of excellence. We recognise excellence in art and in each other because of these 4 parts of our code of excellence. How do you rate your Passion, Drive, Discipline and Mindset?
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Video Transcript:
Welcome to this weekly podcast of Hot Tip Tuesday, presented by the Auspicious Arts Incubator, building sustainable arts businesses. The topic this week is the code of artistic excellence. I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. In this week, we’re gonna talk about excellence. Now as professional artists, we are recognized and regarded as people who achieve excellence. We have a code of practice. Now while this code is not laid down explicitly, we recognize these principals in each other and we respect each other as fellow professional artists of excellence because we observe these principals at play in what we do and how we do it. So this hot tip is to honor our code of excellence, and to have a tool to check in and see if we’re actually following this code.
So here’s a diagram of the code of excellence. Now there are four components to our code: passion, drive, and discipline, and mindset. And that’s how they work. Passion leads to drive, which leads to discipline and mindset. So I invite you to take a journey with me and have a look at your passion, your drive, your discipline, and your mindset, as you achieve excellence in your artistic practice. And you know what? It might be time to celebrate your commitment to excellence.
So it all starts with passion. So to achieve excellence, you have to have the passion for it. As artists, we are passionate people. The thing that we are excellent at is the thing that you have a passion for. We honor the passion we have and we recognize and honor the passion that we see in others. Now what creates excellence is when we focus on our passion. Single-minded focus. Not that shiny object syndrome, scattered focus. No multitasking. We achieve excellence because of a some what obsessive focus. Right? And then our passion becomes our drive. The excellent artists who create excellent art time and time again have drive. The artist that we are, we strive for perfection, and the by-product is excellence. We’re driven, and that sets us apart. We’re driven to create remarkable art and be remarkable people in the process. When we’re driven to chase perfection, we can catch excellence. We’re not just excellent once. Living the code of excellence becomes a habit. And sustaining the habit of excellence requires discipline. So don’t falter. Don’t abdicate. Be responsible. Take responsibility. Don’t allow fear. Don’t give up. We work hard all the time. We practice, we revise, because we live in this cool world of feedback, right? As artists, we’re more interested in the process than the result. We’re committed to continuous improvement, especially those of us that are in business.
The final part of this code is mindset, right? The art of excellence is much more about obtaining a mentality of expecting the best and embracing perfection and thinking about the end user, thinking about our audience. As artists, we respect passion, we have focus, and we honor drive. Then we commit to the discipline of the art, and we seek out the feedback that creates our mindset of excellence. And that’s the code that we live by, that’s the code that we love, and that’s the code that keeps us on the track of excellence.
So if this hot tip was useful, please, please share this with another artist. Now there’ll be an extended version of this over in ASAP, our new membership site. So you might wanna have a look at that. And I go into greater detail about living this code. Thanks for listening to this week’s, Hot Tip Tuesday podcast. All of these podcasts in the Hot Tip Tuesday series, are curated by myself, John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator, and are produced by Alia Vryens. Check us out if you wanna see this podcast. Because sometimes there are visuals that don’t translate in a podcast. And you can see those videos if you check out our website, And there’s a drop-down menu for, “Quick Help for Artists”, where you could see the video version of this podcast.