Video Transcript:
Hello I’m Julie-Ann Black, producer of bold and irresistible communicators here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Here’s another Hot Tip for this Tuesday. The topic for this week is creating a script that serves you. What kind of thoughts do you think someone has who’s happy and confident? What about someone who is feeling down and out? What do you imagine their thoughts to be? Perhaps they’re “I can’t do it” or “I’m not good enough”.
I’m sure you’ve experienced it for yourself. Can you remember a time, remember a specific time when you felt uncertain? What thoughts did you have? Were they moving you towards realizing your vision or did they make you want to run away and hide from it?
What’s interesting is when someone lacks confidence you can see that they’re playing a particular character role which has them read a particular script, acting out in a particular scene. You know how it goes. By recognizing the power of the scriptwriting role in your life you’ll begin to have much more influence in your results. The next time you feel happy and confident I want you to notice your inner scriptwriter. What are you saying to yourself? How are you empowering yourself and those around you? Always be mindful of your thoughts and create a script that serves you.
If this tip was helpful please like this video. If you know someone else who needs to hear this Hot Tip please share this video. All questions and comments please write them below so we can start a dialogue about this topic. Here as always at the Incubator we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. In order for you to thrive you need to subscribe. See you next time for another Hot Tip.