What makes some artists succeed and others flounder. Both have talent but there are 4 building blocks that can help. The first is Desire.








Video Transcript:

Hey there. It’s John Paul Fischbach, the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Welcome to our miniseries. This is the first of four Hot Tips on the Building Blocks of Success. It’s because I wonder what is it that makes an artist succeed. Sure it’s talent but you have that so there must be something else. There is. actually there are four things and these four things are repeated over and over again by coaches and teachers and lots of things that I’ve learned and lots of trainings that I’ve done. I’m going to translate these four things for artists. The four things are desire, direction, discipline and determination.

This week we’re going to look at desire. The desire for success. The desire to move forward. Desire for a dream, a mission, a course, a cause. Something pulling you forward. You wouldn’t be here for you didn’t have some desire so just clarify it. Decide who you want to be in this life. Where you want to be as an artist. Desire to be of service to your art. What do you desire to go after?

Lots of us have vague desires and it’s hard to get traction. Sometimes we talk to artists who say my desire is for it to be easier or to have more. No, let’s get specific about the desire. The sure fire way to build and focus your desire is by getting out of your isolation. Whether that is your studio, your house, the computer get out there and look around. Get amongst it. You’ll discover things that will fuel your desire. Oh, that’s what I like. Oh, that’s what I want. Desire is fueled by exposure to new things so go explore your art. Go explore other artists.

Successful artists are also hungry for the experience of success not just the end result of achievement and money and fame and satisfaction and price. All that will come but it will come because you have the desire for the process of growth that is going to create the successful artist that you’re becoming. Honor the struggle. It’s part of your desire to reach a new destination. Desire generates enthusiasm and the joy of growth.

Once you have desire for something you’ll work for it. Not only will you achieve the thing that you desire you’ll become a better person along the way. I desired greater knowledge and skills and abilities to help artists to succeed. Every day I explore the world looking for new ideas not only so I can feel the feeling of success and personal mastery but that sense of contribution when I find something that I know will help artists.

Take some time this week and get clear about your desire. Without clarity about what you desire you’ll be wandering around with awesome talent but not achieving the success you could have. Next week we’ll look at the second building block for artistic success direction.

Did you like this Hot Tip? Be sure and subscribe to the next one and tell a fellow artist about us. If you want practical help and support to thrive as an artist check us out at AuspiciousIncubator.com.au.


It’s time to stop struggling being an artist.

It is great and challenging to be an artist.  Being an artist is both a choice and a destiny.  Becoming a successful artist is the challenge.  We can help you learn how to become a successful artist.  We’ve been helping artists since 2007.  We are artists ourselves and work exclusively with independent artists and small arts groups to get the marketing and business skills along with the confidence it takes to make a living from your talent and your drive.  After helping thousands of artists we know what makes an artist successful.  You really can stop struggling being an artist.