Create a compelling vision of your career

by Jul 24, 2018Hot Tip for Artists, Vision & Mindset0 comments

Stop floundering set YOUR vision for your arts business

this week's Hot Tip is to create a compelling vision of your career

Posted by Auspicious Arts Incubator on Monday, 23 July 2018

Create a compelling vision of your career

This week’s Hot Tip is to create a compelling vision of your career

Video Transcript

Great. Here we are. So, this week’s hot tip is coming to you live. So, we’ve started this fun idea of doing them live because it’s a bit more spontaneous and a bit more fun. So, here we go. So, as you probably know, I’m John Paul Fischbach, I’m the CEO and Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. And last week, I took you all through the 10 things that I learned over the years that are essential. If you’re gonna be an artist and you’re gonna take you hobby or your passion into a business, there are kind of 10 fundamental things that it took me years and years to learn, but I’ve learned them all and I put them into a book and it’s the foundation of everything we teach. So, what I’m gonna do is take you through each of those 10 now one by one.

So, if you didn’t see what all 10 are, go back and look at last week’s hot tip, but if you’re up to speed, here we go, digging in a little bit deeper, still trying to make this bite-size pieces for you guys as a weekly tip. So, the first item that you need to have if you’re gonna have a successful arts business is a clear vision. You know there’s a saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Well, that’s true. So, the whole idea is to have a bit of a path. Have a vision, it’s your business. It’s your success, success on your terms.

So, a couple of things that you should clarify is, what does success mean to you? What is it gonna look like? How’s it gonna feel? What is your version of success? Is it fame? Is it popularity? Is it financial? So, have an idea of what success means for you. And then craft a vision around that. And the best way I can give you to do that is to imagine that you jump 10 years into the future. Jumping 10 years into the future using your powerful imagination, your intuition, and your higher self, and all of the spirits around you. You imagine what that looks like 10 years from now, and that’s the core of this vision.

Now, if you wanna go into greater detail with this exercise, I actually role play an activity with you guys, but that’s…you should check out the ASAP, the Auspicious Successful Artists Program. That’s a monthly membership program where I do extended versions of these tips. Then we go into greater detail. But the gist of it all is to have this idea of this vision. Ten years in the future, what is it that it’s gonna look like? What is your business gonna be like 10 years and where you’re gonna be? What you gonna be producing? How often to you produce? What are people saying about your work? What have been the highlights? And you’re just making this stuff up, right?

But what that does is anchor an emotional connection to a vision that you have, right? As you create art, you reach into the universe and you grab ideas and concepts and you bring them down into a tangible form. And that’s the cool of thing that we do as artists, but we don’t tend to do that for our business. We just kind of let the business wander and we wonder why it’s not as successful as any single art form that we create. But when you have a vision for an art form, you make it happen, don’t you? You create it, it’s good. It happens immediately, right? So, you’re clear about that.

Well, it’s the same kind of technique for your business. So, I encourage you to… This week’s challenge is to create that vision statement, right? Now, this isn’t some sort of motherhood statement. This is for you personally. So, make it emotionally powerful. It has to be compelling, and has to be something that you want, because you only do what you want. So, make this compelling, make this emotional. Something that when you read it, you go, “Yes, that’s what’s gonna compel me to keep working, to keep creating art, to keep working on the business, is having that clear vision of, ‘Why I am doing this? What is it that I want out of…? What is this success that I’m striving for?’”

Now, if you’re, you know, a visual person, you can do it as a vision board. And if you don’t know what a vision board is, just Google vision board and you’ll see what that is. But that’s another way to have this vision clear. It’s just has to be something that you can see every day or every couple of days to remind yourself what success means to you, because you have to have a strong, compelling vision that’s gonna drive you forward, that’s gonna compel you, that’s gonna draw you forward into the success that you want.

Okay. So, I promised that I would make this really fast, and I think we’ve done it. We’re under five minutes. So, away we go. Well done. See you next week for another live, exciting hot tip from me.


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