You are the CEO of your arts career. It is up to you to steer the course to success. Each and every day you need to have a chat with your CEO self and discuss the one thing that you could do today that would have the most impact on your arts business. As opposed to the day’s list of tasks.






Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Welcome to Hot Tip Tuesday. This week’s Hot Tip is about productivity. It’s something that I have borrowed from Henry Ford. I’ve used it for years. It’s really a cool idea. It’s called One Important Thing.

if you start every single day and as you’re having your shower, as you’re having your breakfast, as you’re on your way to work have this thought, what’s the one thing I could do today that would make the biggest difference to my career, my arts practice, my rehearsal, my business, whatever it is what’s the one thing that I could do today that would make the biggest difference and then try to do that.

The cool thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t matter if you actually do it. You’ve had the thought so you’ve clued your subconscious in to try to help you. Throughout your day your subconscious is going to look for ways to try to help you do that and achieve that one thing today but it’s a really beautiful thought that says if I was to do one thing that would make the biggest difference what would that thing be?

This is part of a productivity module that we’d go into great detail within the artist transformation school but that is a great little Hot Tip to start your week with.

If this was helpful to you please like the video. If you have a friend who you know could use this little piece of advice then feel free to share this video. Of course feel free to make a comment, ask us some questions below that would be great. Here at the Arts Incubator we want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. In order to thrive you need to subscribe. Check out this channel. We’ll keep bringing you lots of cool things from time to time. Cheers.