Listen to what you say to yourself. Do you talk to yourself like an abusive lover? It’s time to believe in yourself and have a friendlier relationship with yourself. Talk to yourself like your best friend. Take pride in your accomplishments, acknowledge your strengths. Together you can take risks, stretch and gain confidence.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator. Welcome to another Hot Tip Tuesday. It’s another in a series of ‘self talk’ Hot Tips to change that conversation that we keep having with ourselves in our own heads. The theme of this one is to believe in yourself. Sometimes the most toxic relationship we ever get into is the one with ourselves.
Think about it. Sometimes we talk to ourselves the way an abusive partner would. We beat ourselves up. We call ourselves names. We obsess on our faults and we declare ourselves worthy of love and happiness. We flood our minds with doubt, cynicism and hate. We continually generate oppressive and disempowering thoughts. When this happens over and over and over we become dissociated and disconnected.
On the other hand we can have a relationship with ourselves that can be healthier and friendlier. We can nurture ourselves by taking pride in our accomplishments. We could acknowledge our strengths and acknowledge that we are worthy of a good life. We can recognize when we do well, when we try our best, when we stand up for what we believe in and when we connect authentically with others. When we do this our self talk focuses on how deserving, capable, trustworthy and loving that we are.
I ask you what kind of relationship do you have with yourself? Are you your own worst enemy or your best friend? Do you believe you deserve to fail or to succeed? Are the thoughts playing in your head hurtful or helpful? Think about those questions, think about that balance. The relationship that we have with ourselves either the toxic one or the healthy one depends entirely on whether we believe in ourselves or not.
The people who say that they believe in themselves had to work at it. Most of them report that they actively work at taking risks, stretching themselves beyond their comfort levels, thinking positively and working hard to gain the kind of confidence and competence that comes with trying and mastering new things. You’ve got a head start. You’re already an accomplished artist. I ask you, what choices are you making? Are you choosing to give yourself some credit, to put yourself out there, to try new things, to trust that you can hand the world’s challenges with grace and with strength or are you beating yourself up and focusing on all your weaknesses before you even start.
Your answers to this question is directly connected to the level of life satisfaction that you feel. Why not give yourself a break. It’s time to trust yourself, recognize your strength, your tenacity and the hard work that has gotten you this far in life. It’s your time to believe in yourself. It’s time to focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. It’s time to remember how far you’ve come. It’s time to give yourself a break and to reconnect with who you are. It’s your time. There’s a great example of an artist who’s done just that. Have a look at Paul Ryan’s video. He’s re-storied himself in a positive light.
If believing in yourself and this Hot Tip is helpful then please like this video. If you know someone who needs to believe in himself then share this video with them, leave us a comment, ask us a question. We can start a dialogue about belief and self talk. We want you to more than survive we want you to thrive. In order to do that the best thing that you can do is subscribe so that you can get more of these Hot Tips on Tuesdays.