When you have a goal, something you really want, you have to commit. Commitment sets the unconscious mind to find and gather all the resources you will need to achieve it. Once you commit to a goal you become the person who can achieve it. Commitment is the greatest act of power.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m John Paul Fischbach. I’m the Chief Alchemist here at the Auspicious Arts Incubator and I welcome you to another Hot Tip Tuesday. The theme of this Hot Tip is committing to the goal. Commit to the goal comes before the means of making it happen. Committing to the goal is the greatest act of power to manifest the future that you want.
You know that this is true in creating your art. We have a vision and we have an idea and we commit to the creation of that piece of art way before we have the means of making it happen. We might have some of them. We might not have all of them but we commit to the creation of that piece of art. It’s the same thing in your business and it’s the same thing in your life. Committing to the goal is the greatest act of power that comes before the means of making it happen.
It’s never a question of resources, truly it isn’t. It’s always a question of resourcefulness whether it’s art or something else that you want to accomplish in life the commitment to the goal comes before the means of making it happen. Does that make sense?
Here’s why. Setting the commitment is like plugging a keyword into the search engine of life. It gives direct command to the unconscious mind to begin sorting for or looking for all the means to make that goal happen. Once you commit you set the unconscious mind on a path to find you all the resources, to find you all the ways that you can make that goal happen. Make commitments that come from your heart. Make commitments that come from your heart that are aligned with your passion. Committing to the goals stretches you.
It’s a goal that is out there, something that you want to achieve and you’re now going to stretch yourself so you have to become the person who can make them happen. Two levels of transformation the goal gets achieved and you become the person who can achieve the goals. That’s why we say it’s the greatest act of power making that commitment to the goal.
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Let the term, international call for artists, awaken your inner entrepreneur.
How often have you seen these opportunities — call to artist, artist open calls, calls to artists, international call for artists, call for artists submissions, open calls artists? These are good opportunities to gain exposure but chasing them can be exhausting and sometimes depressing. As artists we are often “opportunity heat seeking missiles” We are very good at popping our head up and identifying an opportunity. What you might be failing to recognize is this is how they grow their business. So the next time you see international call for artists take this as a call to develop and grow your own arts business.